12 magical monuments our mothers - they deserve it
Mom - the most loving and loyal people in the world. She sincerely rejoice in our successes, failures and support when going through every step of life's journey. We owe her my life, sharing her joys, anxieties and deepest desires. Moms - these are the people who need to erect monuments is simply for the fact that we have them.
Website gathered great sculptures dedicated to our mothers.
Wooden sculpture "Mother and Child» h3>
«My mother, in love with her child» h3>
«Mother and Children" / "We form our future» h3>
«Love of Mother and Child" / "Mother and Child» h3>
«Mother and sleeping child" / "Love to toe» h3>
«Arab woman with a child» h3>
«Mother» h3>
«gentle love mother for her child» h3>
«Monument grandmother» h3>
Website gathered great sculptures dedicated to our mothers.
Wooden sculpture "Mother and Child» h3>
Yaroslavl, Russia.
«My mother, in love with her child» h3>
Location unknown.
«Mother and Children" / "We form our future» h3>
American Fork, Utah, United States. / Lovland, Colorado, USA.
«Love of Mother and Child" / "Mother and Child» h3>
Atlanta, Georgia, USA. / Sumperk, Czech Republic.
«Mother and sleeping child" / "Love to toe» h3>
Location unknown.
«Arab woman with a child» h3>
Location unknown.
«Mother» h3>
Palermo, Italy.
«gentle love mother for her child» h3>
San Francisco, California, USA.
«Monument grandmother» h3>
Izhevsk, Russia.
via # image3021060
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