7 facts about the incredible time and chronology
In the history books, all events are spread out on the shelves and should flow logically from one another. But in fact, the chronology - quite a funny thing, and sometimes presents researchers surprises. < Website published an article in which you'll find events, it would seem, from different eras, but located on the timeline very close.
Coca-Cola is only 25 years younger than Italy h2> Drink Coca-Cola was invented in the United States May 8, 1886 pharmacist John Pemberton as a means for the treatment of addiction to morphine. The drink is also touted as a miracle cure for depression, neurasthenia, diseases of the stomach, intestines and kidneys. As for Italy, in its modern form it only appeared in 1861, when all of the many and very independent Italian states united into a single country called the Kingdom of Italy.
The bicycle was invented 21 years later a steam locomotive h2> Nothing is easier and more accustomed to the design of the bike. It seems that the bike has always existed. But in fact it is a relatively new invention, and it came to light even later a steam locomotive. The first move on land steam carts Richard Trevithick introduced in 1797, and the prototype of the bike was patented by German professor Baron Karl von Dreze in 1818.
The company Nintendo - the same age as the Eiffel Tower h2> All fans of computer games know the name of the Japanese company Nintendo. She had a huge impact on the industry as a developer of gaming consoles and video games. We all remember and love moustached plumber Mario, Pokémon fun and wonderful console from this manufacturer. But not all the fans of this company know that she appeared in 1889. Nintendo started its activity with the production of special, hand-painted, playing cards. In the same year he was presented to the public the famous Eiffel Tower, which later became the symbol of Paris.
The oldest tree in the world caught the era of mammoths h2> Patriotic "Wikipedia" evasive reports that "the oldest tree in the world - spruce that grows in the mountains in the west of Sweden, probably from the glacial period. Her age is about 9550 years. " As for the mammoth, we do know that they have become extinct thousands of years ago during the last ice age. But in 1993, the journal Nature published the information about the discovery of the remains of mammoths, whose age has been determined in the range of 3500 to 7000 years. It turns out that these mammoths might well rub his shaggy sides of the tree is now growing.
The first plane and the first atomic bomb divide only about 40 years old h2> Aviation Pioneers were insanely brave people. Rises into the air on the plywood shelves, that that and look could crumble - it does require courage. The first ever flight of the aircraft took place on December 17, 1903. "Flyer" Wright Brothers lasted 59 seconds in the air and flew 260 meters. It will take only 42 years - the time by historical standards, a tiny - and one learns not only to keep himself in the air, but also make a small nuclear apocalypse of Hiroshima (6 August 1945).
MS-DOS appeared at the same time, when France was abolished punishment by beheading h2> Computers, floppy disks, monitors - this is our time. A chop off people's heads - a dark age, is not it? Nevertheless, both these phenomena coexisted peacefully. IBM has licensed the operating system MS-DOS and released it in August 1981 under the name PC DOS 1.0. And the use of the guillotine in France was abolished only in connection with a complete ban on the death penalty in 1981.
In Switzerland, women were given the right to vote at the same time, when the astronauts on the moon riding h2> Today, Switzerland is perceived as a model of democracy, where any more or less important decisions are made by a referendum. However, for a long time women in Switzerland does not have the right to vote and, of course, could not be elected to the authorities. Everything changed in 1971. At the same time it held the fourth landing men on the moon, in which the crew conducted on the surface of almost three days. On the moon, the astronauts used the Lunar Roving Vehicle for the first time, traveling on it a total of 27, 9 km.