All About Signs of the Zodiac In three simple Proverbs

- «Go there, do not know where, bring it, I do not know that». Just Aries is able to cope with this task. Especially if there is an incentive!
- «Nothing's over for someone who is alive». Aries does not break! As if his life was not beaten, he can always get out of a difficult situation.
- «Head without ardor - is like a fruitless tree». This is the whole Aries - it peculiar manifestations passion, strong emotion and impulsivity.
- «Overseas heifer - mite, but the ruble transportation» «Life is not measured by years, and works» «To be found here, and there is not to lose»
- «All that is done - for the better» «much better to see than many live» «Throw him into the sea - will come up with a fish in his mouth»
- «My house - my fortress» «It is better to let go sit down in a way, they escape and lie» «Velvet whole, and there zhaltse»
- «The swamp quiet, but living there is bad» «afraid of wolves - in the woods not to go» «Who goes to great things, not looking back at the dog barking»
- «to live without things - only sky smoke» «Speak at random, and you take your mind» «Measure twice, cut once»
- «Well, where we do not have» «Will it be. And not because anything and will » «Sometimes escape - then win»
- «An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth» «Trust and lives lost only once» «Do whatever you can, and the rest of Leave it to fate». in Scorpio sit and perfectionist who tries to do everything Ideally, and a fatalist, believing in fate.
- «Life of the Moon: the full, then the damage» «Nimble climb up to the mountain top, and the bottom will be awkward» «to live without the truth - with white light to escape»
- «Patience and a little effort» «Live every one his stuff, but his hump» «The water wears away the stone»
- «To live with wolves - a wolf howl» «The bear in the woods, and the skin is sold» «Even a fool can be any talent»
- «God is punishing favorite» «Live fun, but there is nothing» «Brave die once, a coward - a thousand» : fit4brain
Pictures taken from: art-apple.ru
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