Airbrush - a modern way of decorating cars

After reading the latest news, you can make sure that decorate this world is not so difficult, the main thing to start with ourselves and what surrounds you. For example, it is possible to fix the car. There are quite a number of ways of decorating the body of the machine. One of the most common - is airbrush . This method is considered to be progressive, not expensive and comfortable in all respects. Therefore, even in small towns can increasingly meet these elegant vehicles.
How is airbrush?
Under the airbrushing in the general sense of the word refers to techniques of fine art, the main difference is that the instrument used for printing - this airbrush. Some people try to cope with this work, however, it is better to trust the professionals. Only a master of his craft has all the necessary tools and be able to correctly position the image suitable to a particular object. The process of drawing the image begins with selecting an appropriate theme. The desired options are now readily available on the Internet. Then, using a computer or a graphics tablet is a sketch. Thanks to him we can understand, this option is suitable for processing machine or not. The next step - the preparation of the object, which is carried out in the showroom.
At the end of the preparatory works of the master proceeds to layout drawing, using the airbrush. After that there are only contours and style. Also at this stage, the selection of suitable colors and shades. In some cases, used stencils. The image is applied starting from the body portion. Next portrayed the background - the background of the future masterpiece. Multiple coats makes the picture more three-dimensional and realistic. When the work is completed, the machine goes malaria, which cover the object with lacquer. It is necessary then to the image applied to the vehicle, with the passage of time has not lost its brightness.

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