Ad Stars 2008 - Best creative Made In Asia and not only
Ad Stars 2008 - advertising festival held in South Korea's second largest city and the importance of the country - Busan (Busan) .Deklariruemaya mission of the festival - to make people around the world understand the cultural diversity of humanity including through advertising. "Taking the criticism of the commercial nature of advertising, we are looking for innovative advertising that served humanity».
Ad Stars this year proposed a new term - AD 2.0. "Two-nolnost" Festival manifests itself in the fact that it is open to consumers. They are free to participate in it and to judge the work submitted.
Works sent by people not involved in the advertising industry professionally judged in a separate category, which is awarded three prizes: gold, silver and bronze.
Online jury makes a primary selection of the works received. It came in this year 51 people from 20 countries, not only the Asia-Pacific region, but also from other parts of the world. United States, Argentina, Colombia, Poland, Austria, France ...
Offlaynovykh jury makes the final decision about the winners is composed of 11 people. At the head of Esther Lee, CEO Euro RSCG from the United States, and the remaining 10 - the representatives of Germany, Tailaynda, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, Malaysia and India.
The "professional" advertising is awarded two Grand Prix: for the commercial and social advertising. Also this year, was handed 11 golden stars, 35 silver and 46 bronze. Basically, awards were given to the Asian and German agencies.
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Ad Stars this year proposed a new term - AD 2.0. "Two-nolnost" Festival manifests itself in the fact that it is open to consumers. They are free to participate in it and to judge the work submitted.
Works sent by people not involved in the advertising industry professionally judged in a separate category, which is awarded three prizes: gold, silver and bronze.
Online jury makes a primary selection of the works received. It came in this year 51 people from 20 countries, not only the Asia-Pacific region, but also from other parts of the world. United States, Argentina, Colombia, Poland, Austria, France ...
Offlaynovykh jury makes the final decision about the winners is composed of 11 people. At the head of Esther Lee, CEO Euro RSCG from the United States, and the remaining 10 - the representatives of Germany, Tailaynda, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, Malaysia and India.
The "professional" advertising is awarded two Grand Prix: for the commercial and social advertising. Also this year, was handed 11 golden stars, 35 silver and 46 bronze. Basically, awards were given to the Asian and German agencies.




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