Great statue of the world
Mankind has always tried to build the most grandiose statue - to express the scale of their country, their achievements, raise the spirits of citizens, surprise sosedey.Stremlenie to the perpetuation of the people and events through the gigantic and ambitious monuments in our genes. Many of the grand and brilliant came to our times only in drawings and stories, but much still with us. The site has collected in this material are the greatest - in scale, known cultural and historical significance - the statue. Of course, not all - overburden material two or three dozen Buddhas seemed to us superfluous, namely the Buddha take in all the rankings most of the places. Also, I do not come in here, and Peter the Great on the Moscow River, which, though ranked as the tallest statue in the world, but it is an artistic disaster.
Copper vsadnikSankt Petersburg 1770
Russia's first equestrian statue of the king. Set on a unique one-piece stone pedestal, which is called the Thunder-stone. Its transportation - is another story of ingenuity and stubbornness. The monument is made about the project Etienne Falcone and depicts the king simpler man than is customary in the perpetuation of the monarchs. Peter dressed in simple clothes, instead of a saddle beneath the bearskin, only a laurel wreath and a sword telling us that Peter - great commander.
The inscription in Latin «PETRO primo CATHARINA secunda MDCCLXXXII», seemingly indicating who and who erected this statue, but apart from that it is also an elegant hint of continuity. It is also interesting that Peter the Great hand pointing in the direction of Sweden, and in the center of Stockholm is installed like a monument to Karl XII, the main enemy of Peter the Great Northern War, the left hand is directed towards Russia.
Motherland zovetVolgograd 1967
One of the tallest statues in the world is located in Volgograd, and is perhaps the most important symbol of the struggle of the Soviet people against fascism. 52-meter figure of a woman, shagnuvshey forward calls his sons to fight with the enemy. Her image is linked to the ancient goddess Nike - the goddess of victory.
The thickness of the concrete wall sculpture is only 25-30 centimeters. Inside the whole statue consists of individual cells cameras like the room in the building. Rigidity of frame is supported by ninety-nine metal cables, are always in tension. At the top of a steel sword is completely caved to reduce sail.
Rodina-matKiev 1981
Ukrainian Motherland under Russian, but above its 10 meters, and also has a direct relationship to the Great Patriotic War, as part of the National Museum of History of the Great Patriotic War. The monument was opened in 1981 and began to work on it Yevgeny Vucetic, who is also the author of the Volgograd symbol of victory. Initially it was assumed that the entire statue is covered with gold leaf, but then this idea was abandoned and the Motherland trimmed 1.5 mm steel.
Sword, who holds the Homeland, is a bit short, and it is believed that it was made after long negotiations with the Metropolitan of Kiev, who insisted that "the weapons can not be above the cross," meaning cross bell tower of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, located next door. And indeed, the tip of the sword was lower cross 12 meters.
Work and kolhoznitsaMoskva 1937
The world-famous model of socialist realism and the symbol of the Soviet Union was created for the Soviet pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1937, at the height of Stalinist repression. The guy and the girl, on the idea of personifying the proud owners of Soviet soil - the worker-peasant class. Over 6 years, starting from 2003 and ending with 2009, the statue was being restored and rebuilt the pedestal. Now it is 10 meters higher, and it posted a museum.
Buddha HramaHenan Spring, China 2002
The highest statue in the world - 128 meters, with a pedestal all 208 Buddhists are fond of portraying the Buddha on a gigantic scale - the statue of the god overflowing list of the highest in the world. But this is one of the newest, steals the show. It was built soon after the barbaric destruction of the Buddha statues by the Taliban in Afghanistan, and it is believed that this kind of response to the terrorists - "Buddha will be more and they will be even higher».
LeshaneSychuan Buddha in China, VIII century
This statue is considered to be the tallest sculptures in the world. 71-meter-high sitting Buddha carved in the rock for 90 years, and then around his body was built 13-storey temple, which was destroyed by fire, and the Buddha is now available for viewing in its entirety. The length of the fingers of his hands - 8 meters, toe - 1.6 meters.
Christ iskupitelRio de Janeiro 1931
Symbol throughout Brazil, established on Mount Corcovado, like hugs and blesses all of Rio de Janeiro, lying under the mountain, and at the same time like a cross, which was crucified. Money for the construction of one of the most famous statues in the world collected over the Rio de Janeiro - donations accumulated more than two million reais.
In 2007, it recognized as one of the new seven wonders of the world.
Statue svobodyNyu York 1886
The gift of the French nation to the Americans in honor of the centenary of the independence was late for 10 years - as always short of money. The Americans, for example, that under the arrangement were to build the pedestal, had to spend a lot of charity events.
Many people know that the left hand of the statue - a plate with the date July 4, 1776, but that one foot female allegory tramples broken shackles - a fact much less known. The seven rays on the crown of Freedom - the seven continents (western geographic priderzhivatsya tradition is of the opinion). Fans of conspiracy theories see this imperial ambitions of the United States, already existing since the XIX century.
Big SfinksGiza, Egypt, date unknown
Lying on the sand lion with a human head - the oldest surviving monumental sculpture in the world. The length of the statue - 73 meters, height - 20 meters, it is carved out of a monolithic limestone cliffs and transverse bands throughout the body is often explained by the damage from the rains in abundance on their way to Egypt, where there was a different climate. The statue is turned to face the Nile and the rising sun. As it was called before, nobody knows, "Sphinx" - is an ancient Greek word and translates as "strangler women».
Over the years, it proved to be the Sphinx to the shoulders buried in the sand, and only in 1925 it was completely freed from it.
Pharaohs in Abu SimbeleNubiya, XIII century BC
All four giant statue at the entrance to the Great Temple of Abu Simbel - this image of Ramses II, in which, in fact, the temple was built. The relative integrity preserved only three 20-meter king, but they would not be, if not grandiose engineering and archaeological operation took place in the 60s. During the construction of the Aswan High Dam was found that when the dam will be operational, both the temple at Abu Simbel will be flooded and lost forever. Therefore, the temples were cut into blocks weighing 30 tons, was dismantled, moved to a safe place upstream and farther away from the water and collected exactly as it was.
MoaiOstrov Easter
On Easter Island, which is called the local Rapa Nui, there are 997 stone idols "moai". They all carved from monolithic and ot hardened volcanic ash, and almost all are looking inland, except seven which are located inland and watch the sea. According to local residents believe in the supernatural power lies moai ancestors of the first king of Easter Island - Hotu-Matu'a. They created their representatives virtually extinct tribe "long-eared", pulling the lobes of their ears heavy ornaments, that's why all the moai long ears. From "korotkouhih" all the secrets of creation and moving the moai were carefully hidden, and this is the reason of our so little knowledge about these amazing statues.
ChingiskhanTsonzhin-Boldog, Mongolia 2008
The largest equestrian statue in the world was opened recently - three years ago. Her strange location - in the open field, 54 kilometers from Ulan Bator - because according to legend, this is where the future of huge land Khan found his golden whip. The height of the monument - 50 m, pedestal, which houses a museum, gallery, restaurants and even a billiard room, surrounded by 36 columns, according to the number of all the Khans of the Mongol Empire, from Genghis Khan. Clear Field around the statue is planned to transform into a huge tourist area with yurts as hotel rooms and theme parks.
Angel SeveraGeytskhed, England, 1998
The most avant-garde of the statue collected in this material. Its author - Antony Gormley, famous for its unexpected sculptural solutions. This "angel" has a height of 20 meters, width - 54 Weight - 208 tons (heavier than the Statue of Liberty), most of which falls on a concrete foundation. Otherwise, an angel with a sail could not resist. The author wanted to create the illusion of arms, but a kind of wings resembles the open floors of clothing, so the Brits lovingly call their country, but a grand vista "Gateshead exhibitionist».
See also: Famous sculpture
Unusual statue world
33 masterpieces of world art
The strangest paintings
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie-919705/samye-strannye-kartiny-328505/
Copper vsadnikSankt Petersburg 1770

Russia's first equestrian statue of the king. Set on a unique one-piece stone pedestal, which is called the Thunder-stone. Its transportation - is another story of ingenuity and stubbornness. The monument is made about the project Etienne Falcone and depicts the king simpler man than is customary in the perpetuation of the monarchs. Peter dressed in simple clothes, instead of a saddle beneath the bearskin, only a laurel wreath and a sword telling us that Peter - great commander.
The inscription in Latin «PETRO primo CATHARINA secunda MDCCLXXXII», seemingly indicating who and who erected this statue, but apart from that it is also an elegant hint of continuity. It is also interesting that Peter the Great hand pointing in the direction of Sweden, and in the center of Stockholm is installed like a monument to Karl XII, the main enemy of Peter the Great Northern War, the left hand is directed towards Russia.
Motherland zovetVolgograd 1967

One of the tallest statues in the world is located in Volgograd, and is perhaps the most important symbol of the struggle of the Soviet people against fascism. 52-meter figure of a woman, shagnuvshey forward calls his sons to fight with the enemy. Her image is linked to the ancient goddess Nike - the goddess of victory.
The thickness of the concrete wall sculpture is only 25-30 centimeters. Inside the whole statue consists of individual cells cameras like the room in the building. Rigidity of frame is supported by ninety-nine metal cables, are always in tension. At the top of a steel sword is completely caved to reduce sail.
Rodina-matKiev 1981

Ukrainian Motherland under Russian, but above its 10 meters, and also has a direct relationship to the Great Patriotic War, as part of the National Museum of History of the Great Patriotic War. The monument was opened in 1981 and began to work on it Yevgeny Vucetic, who is also the author of the Volgograd symbol of victory. Initially it was assumed that the entire statue is covered with gold leaf, but then this idea was abandoned and the Motherland trimmed 1.5 mm steel.
Sword, who holds the Homeland, is a bit short, and it is believed that it was made after long negotiations with the Metropolitan of Kiev, who insisted that "the weapons can not be above the cross," meaning cross bell tower of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, located next door. And indeed, the tip of the sword was lower cross 12 meters.
Work and kolhoznitsaMoskva 1937

The world-famous model of socialist realism and the symbol of the Soviet Union was created for the Soviet pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1937, at the height of Stalinist repression. The guy and the girl, on the idea of personifying the proud owners of Soviet soil - the worker-peasant class. Over 6 years, starting from 2003 and ending with 2009, the statue was being restored and rebuilt the pedestal. Now it is 10 meters higher, and it posted a museum.
Buddha HramaHenan Spring, China 2002

The highest statue in the world - 128 meters, with a pedestal all 208 Buddhists are fond of portraying the Buddha on a gigantic scale - the statue of the god overflowing list of the highest in the world. But this is one of the newest, steals the show. It was built soon after the barbaric destruction of the Buddha statues by the Taliban in Afghanistan, and it is believed that this kind of response to the terrorists - "Buddha will be more and they will be even higher».
LeshaneSychuan Buddha in China, VIII century

This statue is considered to be the tallest sculptures in the world. 71-meter-high sitting Buddha carved in the rock for 90 years, and then around his body was built 13-storey temple, which was destroyed by fire, and the Buddha is now available for viewing in its entirety. The length of the fingers of his hands - 8 meters, toe - 1.6 meters.
Christ iskupitelRio de Janeiro 1931

Symbol throughout Brazil, established on Mount Corcovado, like hugs and blesses all of Rio de Janeiro, lying under the mountain, and at the same time like a cross, which was crucified. Money for the construction of one of the most famous statues in the world collected over the Rio de Janeiro - donations accumulated more than two million reais.
In 2007, it recognized as one of the new seven wonders of the world.
Statue svobodyNyu York 1886

The gift of the French nation to the Americans in honor of the centenary of the independence was late for 10 years - as always short of money. The Americans, for example, that under the arrangement were to build the pedestal, had to spend a lot of charity events.
Many people know that the left hand of the statue - a plate with the date July 4, 1776, but that one foot female allegory tramples broken shackles - a fact much less known. The seven rays on the crown of Freedom - the seven continents (western geographic priderzhivatsya tradition is of the opinion). Fans of conspiracy theories see this imperial ambitions of the United States, already existing since the XIX century.
Big SfinksGiza, Egypt, date unknown

Lying on the sand lion with a human head - the oldest surviving monumental sculpture in the world. The length of the statue - 73 meters, height - 20 meters, it is carved out of a monolithic limestone cliffs and transverse bands throughout the body is often explained by the damage from the rains in abundance on their way to Egypt, where there was a different climate. The statue is turned to face the Nile and the rising sun. As it was called before, nobody knows, "Sphinx" - is an ancient Greek word and translates as "strangler women».
Over the years, it proved to be the Sphinx to the shoulders buried in the sand, and only in 1925 it was completely freed from it.
Pharaohs in Abu SimbeleNubiya, XIII century BC

All four giant statue at the entrance to the Great Temple of Abu Simbel - this image of Ramses II, in which, in fact, the temple was built. The relative integrity preserved only three 20-meter king, but they would not be, if not grandiose engineering and archaeological operation took place in the 60s. During the construction of the Aswan High Dam was found that when the dam will be operational, both the temple at Abu Simbel will be flooded and lost forever. Therefore, the temples were cut into blocks weighing 30 tons, was dismantled, moved to a safe place upstream and farther away from the water and collected exactly as it was.
MoaiOstrov Easter

On Easter Island, which is called the local Rapa Nui, there are 997 stone idols "moai". They all carved from monolithic and ot hardened volcanic ash, and almost all are looking inland, except seven which are located inland and watch the sea. According to local residents believe in the supernatural power lies moai ancestors of the first king of Easter Island - Hotu-Matu'a. They created their representatives virtually extinct tribe "long-eared", pulling the lobes of their ears heavy ornaments, that's why all the moai long ears. From "korotkouhih" all the secrets of creation and moving the moai were carefully hidden, and this is the reason of our so little knowledge about these amazing statues.
ChingiskhanTsonzhin-Boldog, Mongolia 2008

The largest equestrian statue in the world was opened recently - three years ago. Her strange location - in the open field, 54 kilometers from Ulan Bator - because according to legend, this is where the future of huge land Khan found his golden whip. The height of the monument - 50 m, pedestal, which houses a museum, gallery, restaurants and even a billiard room, surrounded by 36 columns, according to the number of all the Khans of the Mongol Empire, from Genghis Khan. Clear Field around the statue is planned to transform into a huge tourist area with yurts as hotel rooms and theme parks.
Angel SeveraGeytskhed, England, 1998

The most avant-garde of the statue collected in this material. Its author - Antony Gormley, famous for its unexpected sculptural solutions. This "angel" has a height of 20 meters, width - 54 Weight - 208 tons (heavier than the Statue of Liberty), most of which falls on a concrete foundation. Otherwise, an angel with a sail could not resist. The author wanted to create the illusion of arms, but a kind of wings resembles the open floors of clothing, so the Brits lovingly call their country, but a grand vista "Gateshead exhibitionist».
See also: Famous sculpture
Unusual statue world
33 masterpieces of world art
The strangest paintings
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie-919705/samye-strannye-kartiny-328505/