Unique statues of Afghanistan carved in the Bamiyan Mountains
The Taliban, who seized most of Afghanistan in 2001 to implement Mullah Omar’s decree to destroy all non-Islamic monuments in the country, are believed to have detonated giant Buddha statues carved into the Bamiyan Mountains.
However, in fact, these statues are much older than modern science believes, erroneously referring their manufacture to the III - IV centuries AD. And these monuments do not depict the Buddha, but people of the oldest antediluvian civilizations.
Thus, the researcher of esoteric knowledge E. Blavatsky in her “Secret Doctrine” wrote about these statues as follows: “Bamyan is a small, miserable, dilapidated town in Central Asia on the half road between Kabul and Bal, at the foot of Koh-i-baba, a huge mountain chain Paronamiz or Hindu Kush, about 8500 pounds above sea level.
In ancient times, Bamyam was part of the ancient city of Juljul, looted and destroyed to the last stone by Genghis Khan in the XIII century. The whole valley is bordered by colossal rocks, which are full partly of natural and partly artificial caves and grottoes, once the dwellings of Buddhist monks who founded their Viharas in them. Such Viharas are found in abundance and today in the temples of India carved in the rocks and in the valleys of Jalalabad. In front of some of these caves were opened or, rather, rediscovered in our century five huge statues, which are considered as the image of the Buddha, for the famous Chinese traveler Xuan-Jiang says that he saw them when he visited Bamyan in the seventh century.
The first statue was 173 feet tall and 70 feet taller than the famous Statue of Liberty in New York City. The second, like the first carved into the rock, was 120 feet high. The third is 60 feet, the remaining two are even smaller. And the latter is only slightly larger than the average tall man of our day.
Undoubtedly, these figures, which stood for thousands of years, were destroyed by modern barbarians – religious fanatics of the Taliban movement during their brief rule on Afghan soil.
Yet these figures encode the key to the evolution of races, from the first to the present. E. Blavatsky also noted that all five figures belong to the creation of the hands of the Initiates of the fourth race, who after the sinking of their continent found refuge in the strongholds and peaks of the Central Asian mountain range. These five figures were thus the unbreakable record of the esoteric doctrine of the gradual evolution of the human races.
The largest represented the first race of mankind, its etheric body imprinted in a solid, invincible stone as a warning to future generations, for otherwise its memory would not have survived the Atlantic Flood. The second, respectively, belonged to the second race. The third perpetuated the Lemurian race, born of father and mother, after the separation of the sexes.
The last offspring of this race, according to Blavatsky, are depicted in the statues of Easter Island and are much lower than the original representatives of this race. The fourth race, the Atlanteans, was still smaller, though gigantic, than our fifth race, by which this series of figures ended. Now many modern scientists are sure that once upon a time there were giant races on Earth, and Professor E. Muldashev even claims that he visited the secret caves of Tibet, where the gene pool of these races is stored. He tells of giant figures sitting in these caves in the lotus position in a state of “somati” – pseudo-stone fossilization. But if you think about it, it is the figures in the lotus position always indiscriminately attributed to the images of Gautama Buddha. However, all the Baniam statues depicted standing people. But, of course, the dark fanatics of the Taliban could not have known such nuances, they were simply fulfilling the orders of their masters, who were doing everything possible to hide their true history from humanity. And it is in this aspect that one should consider the organization of the looting of the museums of Bagdat (during the American aggression) and Cairo (during the “Arab Spring”), and the loss of unique artifacts from them.
Source: ecowars.tv/
However, in fact, these statues are much older than modern science believes, erroneously referring their manufacture to the III - IV centuries AD. And these monuments do not depict the Buddha, but people of the oldest antediluvian civilizations.
Thus, the researcher of esoteric knowledge E. Blavatsky in her “Secret Doctrine” wrote about these statues as follows: “Bamyan is a small, miserable, dilapidated town in Central Asia on the half road between Kabul and Bal, at the foot of Koh-i-baba, a huge mountain chain Paronamiz or Hindu Kush, about 8500 pounds above sea level.
In ancient times, Bamyam was part of the ancient city of Juljul, looted and destroyed to the last stone by Genghis Khan in the XIII century. The whole valley is bordered by colossal rocks, which are full partly of natural and partly artificial caves and grottoes, once the dwellings of Buddhist monks who founded their Viharas in them. Such Viharas are found in abundance and today in the temples of India carved in the rocks and in the valleys of Jalalabad. In front of some of these caves were opened or, rather, rediscovered in our century five huge statues, which are considered as the image of the Buddha, for the famous Chinese traveler Xuan-Jiang says that he saw them when he visited Bamyan in the seventh century.
The first statue was 173 feet tall and 70 feet taller than the famous Statue of Liberty in New York City. The second, like the first carved into the rock, was 120 feet high. The third is 60 feet, the remaining two are even smaller. And the latter is only slightly larger than the average tall man of our day.
Undoubtedly, these figures, which stood for thousands of years, were destroyed by modern barbarians – religious fanatics of the Taliban movement during their brief rule on Afghan soil.
Yet these figures encode the key to the evolution of races, from the first to the present. E. Blavatsky also noted that all five figures belong to the creation of the hands of the Initiates of the fourth race, who after the sinking of their continent found refuge in the strongholds and peaks of the Central Asian mountain range. These five figures were thus the unbreakable record of the esoteric doctrine of the gradual evolution of the human races.
The largest represented the first race of mankind, its etheric body imprinted in a solid, invincible stone as a warning to future generations, for otherwise its memory would not have survived the Atlantic Flood. The second, respectively, belonged to the second race. The third perpetuated the Lemurian race, born of father and mother, after the separation of the sexes.
The last offspring of this race, according to Blavatsky, are depicted in the statues of Easter Island and are much lower than the original representatives of this race. The fourth race, the Atlanteans, was still smaller, though gigantic, than our fifth race, by which this series of figures ended. Now many modern scientists are sure that once upon a time there were giant races on Earth, and Professor E. Muldashev even claims that he visited the secret caves of Tibet, where the gene pool of these races is stored. He tells of giant figures sitting in these caves in the lotus position in a state of “somati” – pseudo-stone fossilization. But if you think about it, it is the figures in the lotus position always indiscriminately attributed to the images of Gautama Buddha. However, all the Baniam statues depicted standing people. But, of course, the dark fanatics of the Taliban could not have known such nuances, they were simply fulfilling the orders of their masters, who were doing everything possible to hide their true history from humanity. And it is in this aspect that one should consider the organization of the looting of the museums of Bagdat (during the American aggression) and Cairo (during the “Arab Spring”), and the loss of unique artifacts from them.
Source: ecowars.tv/