Inventions wisely

Useful inventions that not only decorate, but also greatly simplify life.

Chasing sverhneobychnym superkreativnym and designers often sacrifice practicality and usefulness of the inventive household items, and other devices. When the first and main task of the design - functionality.

Use design items must be in the first place a person comfortable. And then the original and beautiful.
The following invention, ingeniously simple and accessible.

Personal water filter. It allows you to drink water from almost any source.

Toilet-bowl for dogs

Tack «Like»

Shower gel "Bloodbath»

Slippers for cleaning and polishing the floor

Tray with fingers

Plate system administrator

Collar "Butterfly»

A glass with a slope to avoid foam


Nadklaviaturnaya Stand for food

Flower pots


The ball of adhesive tape

The carpet and sofa chair

Scissors Pizza

Infinite USB

Convenient door lock

Spoon for fans to dip cookies drink

See also: out of the ordinary-an unusual

-New Ideas for familiar things

- "Green" ideas in the design
