Rules of Life Alice

wise delightful absurdity of Lewis Carroll, which is to take as the rules zhizni.Kogda "Alice in Wonderland" was first published in Russian in 1879, many literary critics were horrified by how strange was this book. In his devastating review of all parents are urged to pass by this horror, and never buy it for their children. Where are the critics now, and where "Alice" has survived hundreds of editions, dozens of adaptations, beloved by children and adults.
Editorial Website gathered in the material 40 of the rules of life of Alice Liddell girls that she learned while traveling in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Learn them and you.

1. Where in the world is meaningless, what prevents invent any sense?
2. As long as you think, what to say - curtsy! This saves time.
3. If you do not know what to say, say it in French! When you walk, socks Put apart! And remember who you are!
4. Before you go somewhere, you need to stock up on a good branch to keep off the elephants.
5. Do not lubricate the clock butter!

6. If you have nothing to do, come up with something better mysteries unanswered.
7. Where else you are bound to get. One need only walk long enough.
8. If it is too long to keep in the hands of a red-hot poker in the end burned; If deep slash on the finger with a knife, the finger is usually bleeds; if the time to drain the bottle marked "poison," sooner or later will almost certainly feel unwell.
9. If someone does not meddle in the affairs of others, the earth would have spun faster!
10. Never think that you are different than would be otherwise than being different in cases where one can not be otherwise.

11. You have no idea how nice sea dance a quadrille with lobster.
12. If the verse makes no sense, so much the better. You can not try to explain them.
13. If I was not real, I would not cry.
14. It is necessary to run as fast just to stay in place, and to get somewhere, you must run at least twice as fast!
15. Tomorrow never happens today. Is it possible to wake up in the morning and say, "Well, now, finally, tomorrow»?

16. Meet to someone intelligent for a change!
17. You can always take more than nothing.
18. You need to know how to get to the cashier, even if you do not know how to read!
19. What's the point in the book, if it has no pictures or conversations?
20. Do not grunt! Express their thoughts somehow different!

21. If that were so, it would have nothing, but if anything, it would have been, but since it is not, so it is not that way! Such is the logic of things!
22. One of the most serious losses in battle - is the loss of the head.
23. When you say open your mouth a little wider.
24. When you are sick, always eat a splinter. Another such means you will not find!
25. Please give all the cake, and then cut it!

26. Why organize processions, if everything will fall down? Anybody then did not see ...
27. How good home! They're always the same height!
28. From the peppers, truly begin to argue with everybody. From vinegar - Cooks from mustard - upset from the bow - telling the whole story, from wine - vinyatsya, but from the baking - dobreyut. What a pity that one does not know ... It would have been so easy. We would eat baking - and dobreli!
29. Should I swallow anything, as there happens something interesting.
30. One blotter, of course, not very tasty. But if you mix it with something else - of powder, for example, or wax - then a different matter!

31. Some people are very smart, just like infants!
32. I never let anyone dissuade hands!
33. When I find something, it's usually a frog or a worm.
34. Girls, you know, also eat the eggs.
35. That, my dear, if you're going to turn into a pig, I'm with you I will not know more.

36. No matter where my body is. My mind works without ceasing. The lower my head, the more my thoughts!
37. How convenient to lose a name! Let's say you come back home, but no one knows your name. Governess wants to call you for a lesson, shout: "Come here ..." - and stop the name of something she had forgotten. And you certainly will not go - because it is not known who she was calling!
38. Killing Time! It is that he might like! If you had not quarreled with him, he would ask him whatever you want.
39. Ten nights ten times warmer than one. And ten times colder.
40. The moral: something not think.

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Rules of Life Moomin
Rules of Life of Winnie the Pooh
Rules of Life Little Prince
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