Holy cynic Kurt Vonnegut

born November 11, Kurt Vonnegut, one of the most outstanding satire and science fiction of our time. "I am writing since 1949. I'm self-taught. I have no theories about literature, useful for others. When I write, I'm just getting myself. And me six feet two inches tall, I weigh about two hundred pounds, moving clumsily, only swim well. That's all that is temporarily rented, extinguishing and writes books. But I was fine in the water "- so described himself in the preface to the collection of Kurt Vonnegut's own stories.
His father was a famous architect, and his mother - the family of the millionaire beer. Vonnegut So it was with whom to write off their crazy oligarchs. And if not the Great Depression, he too would have been a millionaire.

Photo album from the school Vonnegut, 1940.
During the Second World Vonnegut "lucky" to be in Dresden, when the bombing of the city by US and British aircraft. It killed 135 thousand people, and then Kurt would write his famous novel "Slaughterhouse-Five».

Young Curt

Vonnegut's track record is impressive: he has worked in the PR-manager of "General Electric", she taught English at a school for the feeble-minded, wrote advertising copy, was one of the first dealers "Saab". And in between all that broadcast their stories for magazines.
«If you seriously want to disappoint their parents, and the soul does not homosexuality is - go to the art».
In his books, Vonnegut scoffed, mocked and taunted, without fear of ridicule as anyone. Just was his artistic method - even about the most tragic moments of crisis, and talk with a laugh. More than 10 of his books were put on screen, he remarked: "There are two writers who should be grateful to the coffin of life Hollywood. One of them - Margaret Mitchell, author of "Gone with the Wind", and the second - that I, for the creation of the film "Slaughterhouse-Five" ».

Kurt Vonnegut and his dog
«I told my sons that they were not involved in the massacre and that he heard the beating enemies, they would not feel any joy or satisfaction».

«When I write, I feel armless and legless man with a pencil in his mouth».

"Who are the writers more regrettable: the one that turns the hands and muzzle policeman, or living in complete freedom, but used up so that it more completely nothing to say?»

Kurt Vonnegut and Sergei Dovlatov
Once Vonnegut sneer about the popularity of Sergei Dovlatov, and wrote him a letter, which begins:
"Dear Sergei Dovlatov! I love you, but you broke my heart. I was born in this country bravely served her during the war, but has not been able to sell any of his story in the magazine "The New Yorker". And now you come and - boom! - Your story is immediately printed. Something strange is going on, I tell you ... »

Throughout his life, Kurt Vonnegurt, in addition to writing, was fond of at least two things: cigarettes «Pall Mall» and drawing. In general, his drawings were an integral part of the thinking process. For example, illustrations for the book "Breakfast of Champions", he made yourself using common markers.
"All my life I paint, but nobody showed. It is a pleasant experience - would recommend. Sing, dance, write, draw, play an instrument, and it does not matter, well you get it or not - as you develop your soul ».
As for smoking, then, when he was 82 years old, a writer in an interview with «Rolling Stones», said: "I'm going to sue the company that makes cigarettes" Pall Mall ", and strip off their billion bucks! Since the twelve years I smoked these cigarettes one by one, without filter. On packs was written, it will certainly kill me. So what? So I happily lived to be eighty-two. Thank you very much, dirty tricksters! »

"The most daring jokes grow out of the deepest disappointments and desperate fear" (Cat's Cradle)
The mother of the writer committed suicide in 1944 on the eve of Mother's Day. In 1985, Vonnegut also wanted to kill myself, "Do not to draw attention to themselves ... I just wanted to" slam the front door ».

Once in his home Vonnegut hung a wooden sign with the motto: "You must be good, damn».

Young Kurt Vonnegut with his first wife Jane and children: son Mark, named after Mark Twain, and daughters Edith and Nanette.

Kurt Vonnegut with his grandson
«If a scientist can not explain popularly eight children, what he does, then he is a charlatan». (Cat's Cradle)
The writer died on April 11th, 2007 from the effects of traumatic brain injury in the fall. A year before his death he published in the Edinburgh newspaper «The Sunday Herald» appeal to readers, in which he wrote:
"No matter how corrupt, greedy and heartless or become our government, our largest business, our media, our religious and charitable organizations - the music will never lose its charm. If ever I'm still going to die - God forbid, of course - please write on my grave this epitaph: "For him, a necessary and sufficient proof of the existence of God was music." These cases
Kurt Vonnegut: how to write good stories
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