Sculptures ghost
Bruno Catalano casts of bronze sculptures that seem to be there, but as if the streets of Marseilles ations can be seen statues of invisibility. Or you can go by, thinking that thought. In sculpture, thin and quite elegant in themselves, there is no whole part of the body, which makes them more fleeting and elusive.
It travelers. They are clutching bags, briefcases, suitcases, and seems to be somewhere in a hurry.
53-year-old French sculptor Bruno Catalano says his ephemeral sculptures - are residents of modern cities. "We are losing a lot during the whole life, and each of us has lost moments that will never return».
Vincent Van Gogh.
See also: Ancient statues and modern street fashion
Recognized as a troll in the art world
Sculptures by the sea
via www.adme.ru/hudozhniki-i-art-proekty/skulptury-u-morya-510555/