Sculptures made of butter from Jima Victora
On the activity of the sculptor often ironically he says that he cajoles his clients. American Jim Victor (Jim Victor), this is the sculptor, absolutely not offended, because the truth in this statement is: the material for his sculptures is very real butter.
In order for the oil not melted in the studio of the sculptor is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of 13C. Jim says that working with oil at a temperature of - virtually the same as sculpting clay sculptures. While working on a product depends on its size and complexity. The author notes that the large sculpture is much easier to do, because oil - a soft material from which hard to create the fine details.
Jim Victor frankly admits that the sculptures of oil - not what he wanted at the beginning of his career. He wanted to work with more traditional materials - wood or bronze, but such work could be interested unless the connoisseurs of art, while for butter sculptures to pay real money. So the author made his choice: he earns a living, embodying the requirements of customers in the oil and wood sculpture is doing in your free time and for the soul.
Subjects most Sculpture Jim Victor is consistent with the selected material: these scenes of life on the farm, pigs, sheep, cows ... it is also necessary to create sculptures of people, ships, cars, motorcycles - in short, everything depends on customers' requirements.
It should also be noted that the oil - not only the food, which operates 63-year-old Jim. On request, it can create a sculpture of cheese, chocolate and other foods.

In order for the oil not melted in the studio of the sculptor is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of 13C. Jim says that working with oil at a temperature of - virtually the same as sculpting clay sculptures. While working on a product depends on its size and complexity. The author notes that the large sculpture is much easier to do, because oil - a soft material from which hard to create the fine details.

Jim Victor frankly admits that the sculptures of oil - not what he wanted at the beginning of his career. He wanted to work with more traditional materials - wood or bronze, but such work could be interested unless the connoisseurs of art, while for butter sculptures to pay real money. So the author made his choice: he earns a living, embodying the requirements of customers in the oil and wood sculpture is doing in your free time and for the soul.
Subjects most Sculpture Jim Victor is consistent with the selected material: these scenes of life on the farm, pigs, sheep, cows ... it is also necessary to create sculptures of people, ships, cars, motorcycles - in short, everything depends on customers' requirements.

It should also be noted that the oil - not only the food, which operates 63-year-old Jim. On request, it can create a sculpture of cheese, chocolate and other foods.