Those who are over 30, is dedicated
25 surprising facts that people know, before the age of 30 live-live let.Vot myself walking at night and in between times closing the session, and then do not have time to look around, a warm bed and a seven-hour sleep becomes more expensive the hottest parties.
Website is 25 facts that are perfectly familiar to people whose carefree youth has already passed, and carefree old age come a very long time.
Hangover exists. Each time it is accompanied by the thought, "Gosh, at the university I could drink five nights a week and on the sixth day wake up as if nothing had happened. HOW ?! "
If you do not wash the dishes, sooner or later, you do not have to be from what is. If you do not wash the clothes, sooner or later you will have nothing to wear. To remember these two simple things, it took three decades. Horror.
Most celebrities suddenly look younger than you, and the question "What am I doing wrong?" More often it occurs in the head.
And to see the wonderful, beautiful, incredible dreams that no one you will not take.
He died? em>
Almost every book or movie that you loved as a child, it was a lot of good life lessons and morals.
In the world there is the phenomenon vybeshivaet more than teenagers. And every time grinning at the sight of these creatures you say to yourself, "Damn, we were not so!"
To see friends, you should try very much to meeting finally took place. Because pull them out of the house is almost impossible.
Idiots !!! em>
Get up early and go to the gym and did not become a simple and enjoyable experience. The assertion that adults other desires and priorities, this time not worked.
But what was given with little difficulty about five years ago, it is now virtually impossible!
Internet - is the worst of evils, but also the most necessary.
The most attractive to you people - dumb.
And now you know that the word "sexy" stands for "man ready to bring me food at five in the morning and oblivious to the small stuff like unshaven legs». em>
You understand that the parents - the coolest people in the world, and you are ready to communicate with them as much as possible.
Earn a living by what you really like, very rare.
Sometimes your body ache for no reason at all, and there's nothing you can do about it.
This is the moment when you are reluctant to acknowledge that motion tracking your finances - in fact, a good idea.
Bars with a small seating and loud music very much losing the institutions with lots of sofas and quiet music.
The world is no longer limited to your home town, the city in which you learned, and the place where you went to rest.
South America - it's like America, but South! em>
Of course, you are not celebrity chef restaurants, but the fact that your house does not burn down, if you go to the kitchen, can not but rejoice.
Whatever hairstyle you may be, it still is not always so, as it should.
If you read at least half of what was asked at school and in college, you would be a thousand times smarter.
You prefer to have five close friends instead of fifty friends.
When you were young, did you think that adults know all the answers. Yes, no one knows!
Yes, but your parents. My parents were right about almost everything!
via # image17029560
Website is 25 facts that are perfectly familiar to people whose carefree youth has already passed, and carefree old age come a very long time.
Hangover exists. Each time it is accompanied by the thought, "Gosh, at the university I could drink five nights a week and on the sixth day wake up as if nothing had happened. HOW ?! "

If you do not wash the dishes, sooner or later, you do not have to be from what is. If you do not wash the clothes, sooner or later you will have nothing to wear. To remember these two simple things, it took three decades. Horror.

Most celebrities suddenly look younger than you, and the question "What am I doing wrong?" More often it occurs in the head.

And to see the wonderful, beautiful, incredible dreams that no one you will not take.
He died? em>
Almost every book or movie that you loved as a child, it was a lot of good life lessons and morals.

In the world there is the phenomenon vybeshivaet more than teenagers. And every time grinning at the sight of these creatures you say to yourself, "Damn, we were not so!"

To see friends, you should try very much to meeting finally took place. Because pull them out of the house is almost impossible.

Idiots !!! em>
Get up early and go to the gym and did not become a simple and enjoyable experience. The assertion that adults other desires and priorities, this time not worked.
But what was given with little difficulty about five years ago, it is now virtually impossible!

Internet - is the worst of evils, but also the most necessary.

The most attractive to you people - dumb.

And now you know that the word "sexy" stands for "man ready to bring me food at five in the morning and oblivious to the small stuff like unshaven legs». em>
You understand that the parents - the coolest people in the world, and you are ready to communicate with them as much as possible.

Earn a living by what you really like, very rare.

Sometimes your body ache for no reason at all, and there's nothing you can do about it.

This is the moment when you are reluctant to acknowledge that motion tracking your finances - in fact, a good idea.

Bars with a small seating and loud music very much losing the institutions with lots of sofas and quiet music.

The world is no longer limited to your home town, the city in which you learned, and the place where you went to rest.

South America - it's like America, but South! em>
Of course, you are not celebrity chef restaurants, but the fact that your house does not burn down, if you go to the kitchen, can not but rejoice.

Whatever hairstyle you may be, it still is not always so, as it should.

If you read at least half of what was asked at school and in college, you would be a thousand times smarter.

You prefer to have five close friends instead of fifty friends.

When you were young, did you think that adults know all the answers. Yes, no one knows!
Yes, but your parents. My parents were right about almost everything!

via # image17029560