Warm quotes "Moomin mom," Tove Jansson

hundred years ago, on August 9, 1914, he was born in Finland, "Mama" Moomins - writer Tove Jansson. She always stressed that is primarily a painter and do not belong to the literary work seriously. She has written many wonderful books for adults - but for the majority of readers around the world will always be a wizard Jansson, gave us Moomin Moomin mom and dad Snusmumriken, Miss Snork, Snufkin, Little My and many other beloved characters childhood.
On the birthday of Tove Jansson Website gathered warmest quotes Scandinavian writer.
Even the saddest things cease to be very sad, if you treat them properly. Sometimes, all you need to do to reassure someone, it's to remind him that you're there. < / Everyone needs to him from time to time telling a good story. Do not worry. In the world there is nothing worse than ourselves. The one who eats pancakes with jam, can not be so terribly dangerous. When you have a desire to do something, you should immediately make a decision and do not wait until this mood will pass. Life is terribly complicated when you want to have things to wear, keep them to yourself. That's why I just look at things, and when it is removed from the place, am taking them in his head. In my opinion, it is much nicer than the drag of a suitcase.

You - a traveler on a short term you are - free. I know all that I see what I think. I know the whole world. Have to go at random. To tell the truth, I never believed the compass. Those who feel the right way, they only interfere. is terrible when you think that all great men are dead! Alexander the Great, Napoleon and the rest ... And me something unhealthy.

To make the outline of a great dream, we need space and silence. Do not like the way as the stars. Before going to bed, I always look at the stars and wonder who lives there and how to get there. The sky seems so friendly when it is full of little eyes. The smell - a very important thing, he recalled that the experienced, it is similar to a thin but sturdy blanket woven of memories. Oh, how beautiful it is - finally get old and retire! - Hemul thought. - Oh, how I love my family. Especially now, when I can for them not to think. In the everyday life of the genius - nothing but trouble. The winters are always pretty heavy. Nevertheless, snow - it's magic. I was so unhappy that he did not notice that built two-storey house! Imagine how lonely feeling himself those whom everyone is afraid. We need to keep our eyes open and see where we stand at a crossroads, because so many roads in our path: the path, sidewalk, various possibilities. Never will not become truly free, if you will over someone to admire.

You know, sometimes when things are good, it makes me horror as boring. The amazing thing is the river and the road. You look as they seek to pass you by, and the heart becomes so anxious, so vague. Irresistibly drawn to foreign lands, draws to go after - to see where they end ... Everyone has to make their own mistakes. I believe that every painting, still life, landscape , anything - in the depths of the soul self-portrait.

It is necessary sometimes to change anything. Too many things we take for granted, including each other. The new season comes suddenly, one jump! In an instant, everything changes, and the one to whom it is time to leave, no time to lose. It is sad not to remember the name of others. But forget your own name - perfectly. Pity - means to understand and if you understand, you have to love. I've always wondered what the solemn moments of life are often They are spoiled insignificant remarks, even if they do not out of malice, but out of stupidity. Oh, how sweet to eat everything, all drink, talk about everything and before naplyasatsya that tired legs could barely carry you home a quiet hour before dawn - sleep, sleep! We love surprises, but we prefer to arrange them yourself. Comrade can tell you terrible things, but tomorrow all is forgotten. Fellow does not forgive, he just forgets a woman - she forgives but never forgets. to live happily - what could be better in the world ?!
... You can lie down on the bridge and watch as the water flows. Or run, or wander through the swamp in red boots, or curl up and listen to the rain pounding on the roof.
Being happy is easy.
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