Books that make you laugh until tears

can fight autumn melancholy using chocolate and spirits, but much healthier read a good book. And not just good, but one that is guaranteed to bring a lot of positive emotions and a very sunny mood.
Website contains dozens of humorous, satirical and even different "ble" books that can cause an explosion of laughter from any reader.

Leonid Filatov "About Fedot-Archer, swashbuckling young man" In this book, you can only respond in two ways: either laugh, or laugh. Filatov has created a world in which there are the typical characters of Russian fairy tales and fantastic creatures, certainly a miracle that will help make the impossible possible, and the protagonist finally will find FAQ-What-Can-Not-Be. Buy

Jaroslav Hasek "The Good Soldier Svejk" This book tells the story of a very funny little man in the big war. The entire novel is cut out from the anecdotal situations hilarious, but never for a moment forget about those terrible events, against which they occur. So it's the laughter through tears, exposes the ugliness of any war. Buy

Jerome K. Jerome "Three Men in a Boat" There is time, give way to the era, but readers still can not come off quite incredible story of three carefree travel English gentlemen on the Thames. This book, full of classic British humor, present a cure for the blues. I checked several generations of happy people. Buy

Michael Weller "Legends of Nevsky Prospect" This is the most well-known and widely-read book in Russia at the turn of the millennium. Irrepressible joy and a cascade of comic situations, strung on a dizzying scenes, characters turn in Soviet history touching and hapless figure, and severe history opens with a warm and funny side. Buy

Joseph Heller "Amendment-22" The enemy does not give up! The airbase is preparing airplanes, the bomb - but the enemy would not give up. And it's very good. Nobody, of course, will not say it out loud, but in the soul of everyone agrees. The bomb - a fool, falls where dropped and pilots are not careful to bombing. And then let them say thank you that quartermasters had time to dig out of bombs and explosives to sell to local people. Buy

Thank Se "plumber, his cat, his wife and other details" Uncomplicated story only in the Baltics plumbing, playing in the Theater of just created to lift the mood. The hero has a blog in "Learn", able to roast meat and onions grown on the window. This is one of those books in which household humor woven into the narrative easy and very much alive. Buy

Terry Pratchett "Cat unvarnished" In the beginning was the word and the word was cat. This truth proclaimed by the peoples of the cat god obedient his disciple by Terry Pratchett. This gospel of the cat breed. You will learn all about cats: what they are made, their internal structure, the laws that apply to them and do not act, what they eat and what they drink. Perfect reading for cat owner all grades and ages. Buy

O. Henry "Stories" This is the good, quality, time-tested humor, with which you can take a break from serious literature and relax. All the stories of O. Henry lively, emotional, witty - it is simply impossible to treat with indifference. Above them, you can laugh, cry and think. That is the reading, which will make a cozy chilly autumn evening. Buy

Brothers Strugatsky "Monday starts on Saturday" The history of gay employees mysterious NIICHAVO where seriously engaged in the study of magic, has long razdergana citations. Humor Strugatsky difficult to compare with anything else - it must feel, understand, and for this they have to read a light, lively and full of optimistic philosophy prose. Buy

Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov "12 chairs" in Russian literature of XX century Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov took place in the nation's most beloved writers of satirical direction. These books can be read, reread, you can even talk to a lifetime of these phrases. However, many do just that. Buy
via www.litres.ru/evgeniy-petrov/ilya-ilf/12-stulev/?lfrom=20503397