Wisdom Owl Post
Owls - delicious bird. Their gestures and facial expressions sometimes so similar to ours that these birds can not help falling in love.
Do Website already have positions wisdom of different animals, but the articles about the wisdom of the owl there. Although for a long time it was the owl it is its symbol. We decided to correct this injustice.
The morning should be able to perezhivat
Nothing is so exhilarating as cold dush
Yoga is incredibly useful for zdorovya
We must try to be nyashnym
And then to you potyanutsya
But that did not sit on the neck, sometimes you can be and bukoy
Never too late to learn something new
Or try the new on vkus
Lesions should be able to take a dostoinstvom
And the best way to take offense - say, "oh, all" and uyti
In any unclear situation - tantsuy
If you want to hide from everyone - mimikriruy
Or use improvised sredstvami
Never abandon, never give up
This owl knows love the third - always lishniy
But the most important thing in the owl - it mimika
With it you can scrounge cookie
To pretend that you're not under chem
Or skromnichat
And most importantly, enjoy zhizni
via # image11387060