25 sincere thoughts Somerset Maugham

Somerset Maugham once said that while people considered him a good comedian. The problem was that the writer in his novels telling the truth, and it seemed to joke around.
Website has collected 25 sincere thoughts of Somerset Maugham novel "Theatre", "The Moon and Sixpence", "razor sharp", "Of Human Bondage." His expression ruthless and really witty, and all because this is the whole of human nature.
In the world there is nothing easier than stoically endure the hardships of others. I think that God either inside me or anywhere else. It is not true that suffering ennoble the character, sometimes it is possible to happiness, but suffering in most cases makes people petty and vindictive. Only a woman knows what can another woman. The tragedy is that we sometimes achieve the desired. It is easy to be nice to those you care about. All the better to know that you are a fool than to be a fool and not know it. The woman attracts men playing on his charm, and keeps them beside him, playing on their vices. People like to make fun of what they do not understand. There is a huge difference between 25-year-old girl and a married woman of the same age. Users are asked to express an opinion, and are just waiting for praise. In the light of the only two things to justify human existence: love and art. People do not need a reason to do what they want - they need an excuse. Kolya begin to think about the past, then you have no future. Nothing remains without consequences. Throw a stone into a pond - and you're a little bit to change the universe. Genius - is not nothing but a never-ending operation. The only way to win the hearts - is to liken himself to those whose love we want to earn. Great truths are too important to be new. It's not the same to speak the truth about himself and to hear it from others. A man can do as he pleases, if he agrees to bear responsibility for it. Nothing can be done, people are rarely satisfied with what they have, they submit all new so new, and so on without end. The man is not what he wants to be, but what can not be. Promises never be forgotten by those to whom they are given, and constantly by those who give. We must look at people if you want them to look at you. A little common sense, a little tolerance, a little sense of humor - and you can get very comfortable on this planet.
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