10 strong books about the war

There are books to be read, re-read, cherish, show the children. This is a book about the events of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War, on the bloodstained pages of our history. The main thing - it is a book about people, such as we, who are destined to live in an evil time.
< Website I am sure the living memory of the war must be preserved. At least to this never happens again.

Boris Vasiliev
"The list does not mean" Boris Vasilyev was able to talk about the war like no other. Every word gets to the core, because his books are real. The history of the last defender of the Brest fortress is no exception. This is a novel about love, about the heroism of the common man, who has won his war - "death by death».

Konstantin Simonov
"The Living and the Dead" grand epic of Simon covers the time period from June 1941 to July 1944. One of the most impressive books about the Great Patriotic War, the trilogy leaves no one indifferent. Simon writes about the events of those years simply, directly and honestly - and this is only worse.

Erich Maria Remarque
"The time to live and a time to die" This is the story of a German soldier Ernst Grebera who realizes he does not want to be a mindless cog in the military machine. Who sees behind a hell scorched countries, and ahead of - the mud and blood of war. Who understand that the "time to die" there is no end, and wants to come "time to live". But does it come?

Anne Frank
"Refuge. Blog letters "Anne Frank was born in 1929. And he died in a concentration camp when she was only 15 years old. Her diary, which she kept in Amsterdam, hiding with her family from the Nazis, became known worldwide. It is the voice of an ordinary girl who kept a diary, to talk about their feelings, but turned it into one of the terrible evidence of the war.

Vasily Grossman "Life and Fate" It - "War and Peace" of the twentieth century, deafening book knocks down, true from the first page to the last. The one that will lead you through all the circles of hell of war and force them to pass without closing his eyes for a second. And then it will show you the people - the living, present, same as you. And in this hell, they will continue to love, to dream, to hope and to fight for a better future.

Daniel Granik, Ales Adamovich "Blockade Book" book about the siege of Leningrad by the authors called "the epic of human suffering." This - the documents, diaries, memoirs of eyewitnesses. This is - the product of the power of the spirit that helped people stay people staying in inhuman circumstances.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery
"Military Pilot" It's hard to imagine that Saint-Exupery was a soldier, he was returning from the flight and wrote his gentle and poignant book. "Military Pilot" is not terrible. He is philosophical - from the height of its flight the author understands the futility of war. Probably, for this philosophy book for a long time it was banned in France.

Yuri Bondarev "Hot Snow" An honest tale of the battle at Stalingrad front, written by a member. It all starts with the first bout Lieutenant Yuri Bondarev - the witness, and then the classic military prose. Artillery calculation blocks the path of enemy tanks at Stalingrad. Children facing death. They are not only depends on the outcome of the bloody battle, but in the end the entire war.

Vasil Bykov "Alpine Ballad" Love and War - is it possible to imagine even more incompatible concepts? But the man always remains man, and at the foot of the Alps is born a simple love of the Belarusian and Italian Man Ivan Julia, who had escaped from a concentration camp. Love, which is fueled by the desire of freedom and that so quickly and ruthlessly interrupted by the war.

Svetlana Aleksievich
"War is not a woman's face" The war has no face - nor female, nor any more. Nevertheless, the book Aleksievich showing the Great Patriotic War through the eyes of women, is one of the most famous in the world. It is filled with pain from the first page to the last. After it the thought of war seem absurd and insane. And really want to live.
via www.litres.ru/svetlana-aleksievich/u-voyny-ne-zhenskoe-lico/?lfrom=20503397