Nolan revealed the secret of the final scene of "Elements"

us at Website for many years tormented by the question, where is eventually proved to be the film's protagonist "Home" Cobb - a dream or reality.
Christopher Nolan during his farewell speech to graduates of Princeton in 2015 said that, in his idea, is the final scene in the film "Home", where the top is spinning without stopping, and the frame is cut off before the audience has time to see fall if he or continues to rotate .
Nolan told the graduates about the concept of reality, he wanted to explain in the film. The director believes that everyone can have their own reality, and it's okay if a person is happy.
"I believe that over time, we begin to perceive reality as the poor relation of our dreams, in a sense. I want to emphasize that our dreams, our virtual reality, abstractions that we like and which we surround ourselves are part of reality. Just as it was at the end of the film "Home", where the hero Leonardo DiCaprio Cobb stayed with their children - in their subjective reality. He did not care, really happening or not, and that's the point: perhaps all levels of reality are equally wealthy. The camera stops shooting as soon as it seems that the top starts to sway. Black Screen "- said Nolan.
«Usually in such speeches saying" Follow your dreams ", but I will not advise you of this, I want you to go over your reality." That's the idea wanted to convey to the audience the director in the final picture.
The question of the end was the most frequently asked for all the work Nolan. He even admitted that he left the theater before the last scene so that the audience does not showered him with questions.
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via medialeaks.ru/news/0706mms_nolan