Here's how Disney princess would look in real life

As it turned out, the reality is sometimes better than fairy tales. At least, it refers to the heroines of Disney cartoons, which the illustrator Jirka Vaataynen (Jirka Väätäinen) portrayed as cool.

Elsa, "The Cold Heart"

Jasmine, "Aladdin"

Jane, "Tarzan"

Megara, "Hercules"

Pocahontas "Pocahontas"

Rapunzel, "Tangled"

Ariel, "The Little Mermaid»

Snow White "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs"

Esmeralda, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"

Cinderella "Cinderella"

Merida, "Braveheart"

Belle, "Beauty and the Beast"

Aurora, "Sleeping Beauty"

Anna, "The Cold Heart"

The reaction of the male half of the Website

Here is the second halves of their realistic:

As Disney princes would look in real life
