15 tips in difficult times by Anna Gavalda
Frenchwoman Anna Gavalda fundamentally writes about demonic, bright, outrageous personalities. Her characters are simple and eccentric, vulnerable and susceptible to all sorts of weaknesses, - in short, it is the ordinary people, of which there are among the vast majority of us. The writer knows that at the right moment in these men will certainly break out the brightest light - it is important only to light it properly.
And if you is dark at Website There are several excellent recommendations from Anna Gavalda.
Today you want one - to die and wake up tomorrow and realize that just had to go down a few steps, find the switch on the wall and see life in a totally different light ... Good thing - another hand. Not a non-binding one who holds it, and very comforting one who shakes her. There is no grief which could not quench the book, said Montaigne, and Montaigne never wrong. You can not take everything in his head, something you can and do not care, otherwise go mad for long. life, even if you reject it, even if you despise it, always turns out to be stronger than you. It is the hardest. People are returning from the camps and have children. Men and women who were brutally tortured, who have seen their loved ones die as burning their homes, again ran for the bus, discussing the weather and were married daughters. It's unbelievable, but true. Life is stronger than all. To live together people interfere with their stupidity, not differences. It is necessary to take care of the people who arranged for you ... In old age he will be convinced that these very little. Justice can not be achieved because there is no justice. One of the two. You can lie on the bed and roaring. And you can get up and make something. When people roared with laughter thanks to you, it's great, and then, it's like a drug: the more laughing, the more you want them to laugh. Smile awkward interlocutor to change the subject - no one has yet come up with more effective ways. It is not necessary to twitch if drowning, but have to wait for the bottom to push off his heel, because the only way to escape and get to the surface. If something in your life that causes you suffering, run from it, my dear. His legs. And hurry. Hell - is when you no longer can see the ones you love ... All the rest is not considered. That's what I'll tell you, my friend: unhappy to be much easier than to be happy, and I do not like to hear, I do not like people who are looking for easy ways. Be happy, damn it! Do something to be happy!
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