SpaceX has posted a photo of the interior of the spacecraft Crew Dragon

The fact that the company SpaceX is developing a manned spacecraft Crew Dragon, has long been known. This ship is planned, in particular, be used to deliver astronauts to the International Space Station, or ISS to Earth. But until now it was not known what was inside. Now the company has posted pictures and videos innards of the ship.
The photos show us the ergonomic design of the capsule - everything looks pretty rational. Predominant color - white. Probably, this color was chosen to ensure that the astronauts are not distracted by extraneous detail.
It can be seen even some similarity with the interior of sports cars, which, in principle, it is not surprising, given the passion mask and cars. Just a capsule seven seats for members of the team, they are all made of carbon fiber. Screens placed in front of the seats, the astronauts show various flight parameters, including information on the status of the ship in space and environmental characteristics.
There's even a climate control, astronauts can raise or lower the temperature in the cabin at will.
There are four window built into the wall, so the astronauts during the flight will be able to enjoy what is happening outside. SpaceX is developing a spacecraft Crew Dragon in the framework of NASA, as part of the Commercial Crew Program. The Agency has signed a CO SpaceX and Boeing contracts on the establishment of the ships to transport cargo and astronauts to the ISS and back.
This initiative aims to support the private space program.

Source: geektimes.ru/post/262384/
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