5 best exercises for the brain to not become blunt over the winter
How not to fall into hibernation and keep a clear mind until starostiZimoy due to lack of sunlight people do not get enough vitamin D, and in general feel more tired and sleepy than in summer. The sun sets too early, and the body responds to the constant darkness of producing melatonin, the sleep hormone. Therefore, in the winter, many people complain about the incessant desire to sleep and overall dullness. We have compiled a list of useful for brain studies that support its operation at any time of the year and at any age.
YazykIzuchenie Learn a foreign language or vocabulary of the native - a great way to "warm up" the brain, and charge it with energy. Brain people, bilingual, usually works more effectively than those who speak only their native language. Bilingual and are better able to separate the important information from a minor. That is, the study of languages will not only make the brain work, but also give you useful and practical communication skills.
Do yoga The researchers concluded that cognitive functioning of participants after yoga improved much more than after jogging h4> We all know that yoga - a great way to get enough exercise in combination with a mental relaxation. But in addition, it stimulates the activity of the brain, and does it better than aerobic exercise.
When carrying out accurate calculations works completely different area of the brain , rather than by simply counting numbers or account on the fingers h4> Although not all we love mathematics (for example, I hated it school), it's a great brain exercise, to which should be treated more frequently.
YazykIzuchenie Learn a foreign language or vocabulary of the native - a great way to "warm up" the brain, and charge it with energy. Brain people, bilingual, usually works more effectively than those who speak only their native language. Bilingual and are better able to separate the important information from a minor. That is, the study of languages will not only make the brain work, but also give you useful and practical communication skills.
Do yoga