In Perm, playing Russian roulette electric
Not for the faint duhomProiskhozhdenie Russian roulette vague. We invented it or hussars of boredom, or the guards in prison again boredom. Foolish and deadly game. New Roulette - another. "Of course, the whole game is designed for adrenaline. For the safety of adrenaline, - says the author of the game. - People are different, and relieve stress is one of the options available. " The new format of extreme entertainment invented Permian, a former athlete Valery Eshchenko. A few years ago, he dumped a serious illness. One and a half months he spent in a coma, and then for a long time recovering. Then came to him the idea. Restorative physiotherapy and the use of assumed current. So anything that feels the player into an electrical Russian roulette Valery first experienced firsthand.
The author says that metal jewelry, watches, and even the piercing is not an obstacle game. The current coming from the battery in the handle through "combat" cartridge contacts on the trunk. Through the "idle" Chuck no current flows. That's the whole point. Needless bullets are not real, they only act as conductors. Revolvers converted from air. "The game is patented, and therefore tested all possible instances - says Valery. - Many people are afraid, because they simply do not know physics. The pistol is very low power current 0, 3-0, 5 watts. Not to be confused with kilowatts. It always goes along the shortest path, which means that the current passes through the skin between the two terminals, located at a distance of centimeters ».
Safety can play people from 18 to 50 years. Core insultnikam and epileptics such games are contraindicated. New Russian Roulette is a game not only for the brutal man. Come and students, and the "office plankton" and even girls. "People come to play completely different. Recently, a fellow wheelchair users - he loved it. It is not a time comes to play cardiologist. And recently a tiny girl has beaten all men. Then he admitted that her seven times current jerked, and she even did not let on, "- says Valery Eshchenko. Incidentally, in this roulette it is important not only to hit you shock or not, and whether you have filed the form. They shoot not only in the temple. Most often in the shoulder or neck. In an Eshchenko Russian roulette is a game in several stages with certain rules. By the end are two of the most lucky and hardy.
In any case, the person who decides to play him or not. Himself evaluates the physical and moral condition. Is he prepared to receive the discharge and ready to hurt another. "Electric Russian roulette" is not terrible jump bungee.
via afisha.59.ru/text/freetime/891486.html

The author says that metal jewelry, watches, and even the piercing is not an obstacle game. The current coming from the battery in the handle through "combat" cartridge contacts on the trunk. Through the "idle" Chuck no current flows. That's the whole point. Needless bullets are not real, they only act as conductors. Revolvers converted from air. "The game is patented, and therefore tested all possible instances - says Valery. - Many people are afraid, because they simply do not know physics. The pistol is very low power current 0, 3-0, 5 watts. Not to be confused with kilowatts. It always goes along the shortest path, which means that the current passes through the skin between the two terminals, located at a distance of centimeters ».
Safety can play people from 18 to 50 years. Core insultnikam and epileptics such games are contraindicated. New Russian Roulette is a game not only for the brutal man. Come and students, and the "office plankton" and even girls. "People come to play completely different. Recently, a fellow wheelchair users - he loved it. It is not a time comes to play cardiologist. And recently a tiny girl has beaten all men. Then he admitted that her seven times current jerked, and she even did not let on, "- says Valery Eshchenko. Incidentally, in this roulette it is important not only to hit you shock or not, and whether you have filed the form. They shoot not only in the temple. Most often in the shoulder or neck. In an Eshchenko Russian roulette is a game in several stages with certain rules. By the end are two of the most lucky and hardy.
In any case, the person who decides to play him or not. Himself evaluates the physical and moral condition. Is he prepared to receive the discharge and ready to hurt another. "Electric Russian roulette" is not terrible jump bungee.
via afisha.59.ru/text/freetime/891486.html
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