As people of different professions play games

Some believe that the game is exclusively children's entertainment, has no relation to the serious and important people. But in fact, many adults, regardless of age and profession, do not mind to spend free time that way.
We at the Website decided to dream, as in playing representatives of different professions and want to share with you illustrations on this topic.
Flight attendants play "Rock, scissors, paper"

Actors of the drama theatre play "Mafia"

Artists playing "battleship"

Porn actors are playing "Twister"

Students biologists play "Words" in Latin

Builders play "Jenga"

Doctors play a "Crocodile"

Chemists play in the

Bonus:the Aliens are playing "TIC TAC toe"

Illustrator Astkhik Rakimova specifically for the Website
See also
15 comic book about what animals think
12 comics on how they see the world of the extrovert and the introvert
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/12-komiksov-o-tom-kak-vidyat-mir-ekstravert-i-introvert-1357465/