In the mask from the face of the mother: 5 facts about the psycho-guitarist of "Mad Max"
Character guitarist flamethrower with a look loony remembered by many in the new movie about Mad Max. So, it has its own name and istoriya.
1. Name guitarist - Coma and played his Australian musician iOTA.
2. This Immortal Joe found the cave and took him under his wing. Over time, Coma started playing music.
3. iOTA added to the story of Joe's some details: in his version To find the head with his mother, who was killed before his eyes. Her head was tied directly to coma, in a position he was found. Coma took with him the head of the mother and made her face a mask to commemorate their feats worthy of it ».
4. Suit for Coma came up too iOTA. When the musician Miller described his hero, he thought it would be good to put it in some sort of bright sliders with a predominance of red. The source of his inspiration while working on a way Coma calls the musician Angus Young of AC / DC.
5. iOTA really was attached to a moving car, and a guitar with built-in flamethrower was real. The sound of the guitar, according iOTA, was pretty average for the recording of this music is not good, but to create the right atmosphere in the film - at the time.
via www.filmpro.ru/materials/36765

1. Name guitarist - Coma and played his Australian musician iOTA.

2. This Immortal Joe found the cave and took him under his wing. Over time, Coma started playing music.

3. iOTA added to the story of Joe's some details: in his version To find the head with his mother, who was killed before his eyes. Her head was tied directly to coma, in a position he was found. Coma took with him the head of the mother and made her face a mask to commemorate their feats worthy of it ».

4. Suit for Coma came up too iOTA. When the musician Miller described his hero, he thought it would be good to put it in some sort of bright sliders with a predominance of red. The source of his inspiration while working on a way Coma calls the musician Angus Young of AC / DC.

5. iOTA really was attached to a moving car, and a guitar with built-in flamethrower was real. The sound of the guitar, according iOTA, was pretty average for the recording of this music is not good, but to create the right atmosphere in the film - at the time.

via www.filmpro.ru/materials/36765
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