Chameleons never change color depending on the ambient background

Color chameleon depends on his emotional state. And if the color suddenly coincide with the background, this is a coincidence, nothing more.
The chameleon changes color when it is frightened or picked up, or if he won the fight another chameleon. They change color when in their field of vision gets the opposite sex, and sometimes - due to changes in temperature or light.
Chameleon skin contains several layers of specialized cells called chromatophores so (from the Greek chroma, «color» and phoros, «bear"), each with its own color pigments. Changing the ratio of forces between the layers of the skin to reflect the different types of light, making hateful chameleon walking soundlights.
And more: Chameleon can rotate and focus your eyes completely independently of each other and look at the same time in two opposite directions. But he is completely deaf. The Bible prohibits the use in food of chameleons.
S. Fry, «The Book of General Ignorance»
via factroom.ru
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