Facts about Pi
Pi - the ratio of the circumference to its diameter. The number pi can not be represented as an ordinary decimal fractions: fraction obtained infinite, and in the distribution of decimal places have no laws. With mysterious regularity, it gets out in the most unexpected places. For example, the ratio of the length of the coast to the distance between the source and the mouth is approximately equal ... Right, 3, 14.
In September 2010, Nicholas Jae from technology company «Yahoo» could identify 2 000 000 000 000 000 digits of pi after the decimal point - two quadrillion characters. If this work was done on the same machine, it would require more than 500 years. But Jae technology used so-called cloud computing «Hadoop» - were involved in a "cloud" of thousands of computers simultaneously. Even so, as the calculation took 23 days.
However, CAM and Homo sapiens is not willing to concede "hardware" in the race for the development of information technology. If not in the calculation of Pi, at least in remembering it. Summary record pursuit of "tail" of Pi looks.
1995 - Japanese Hiryuki Goto was able to call on the memory of 42,195 decimal places.
2004 - another representative of Japan, 59-year-old Akira Haraguchi, raised the bar to 54,000th.
2005 - all the same irrepressible Akira Haraguchi memorized pi up to 83,431 decimal places.
2005 - Chinese Liu Chao slightly fell short of the record of its eastern neighbor: 67,890 characters fit in the head of Liu.
You have, of course, drew attention to the successes of the Japanese and Chinese is in this game in the rhymes. The reason for this, perhaps, is the relationship between language and account. For example, the Chinese numerals are very short, require for their utterance on average less than 0, 25 seconds: in the English language on the pronunciation of the same digits you need to spend a third of a second. To count from 1 to 100, the Chinese need 11 words, the Englishman - 28.
Source: «Science Illustrated».
Fact sent: midavgroup
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