Fast food causes more harm to the body if you drink it with coffee
Faktrum warns that excessive love of fast food - it is bad, but worse - excessive love of fast food drink coffee. If you ate fatty foods, and then drink a cup of espresso, the level of sugar in your blood immediately rises to the heights typical for people at risk of developing diabetes.
Canadian scientists from the University Gelfa conducted a study in which a group of healthy men given to drink a cocktail of fatty lipids (very appetizing, does not it?), To simulate the processes occurring in the body after consumption of fast food. A few hours later some of them were given a sweet drink. sugar level rose to 32% compared with those who did not drink the beverage.
But the really astonishing results scientists obtained when subjects made a few hours after the fat cocktail drink a couple of cups of espresso. After another hour the poor man also received a sugary drink. The level of sugar in their blood jumped as much as 65%! This means that harm from ingested you hamburgers for dinner persists throughout the day, preventing the body digest food properly adopted much later.
via factroom.ru