Liger (a cross between a lion and a tigress male-female) is "the biggest cat" on the planet

Liger looks like a giant lion with pale tiger stripes. Today Ligers are the largest members of the cat family in the world.

In male-Leagrove, with rare exceptions, almost no mane, but unlike lions, Ligers can and love to swim. Another feature Leagrove is that females Leagrove (ligritsy) can produce offspring, which is unusual for a cat hybrids. Unusual Leagrove gigantism due to the fact that Ligers receive from the father lion genes that contribute to the growth of the offspring, while the mother tigress missing genes, hindering the growth of the offspring. At that time, like his father, Tiger is not the genes that contribute to the growth and the mother-lioness available genes, hindering growth, which it transmitted to the offspring. This explains the fact that the liger is larger than the lion and Tigon smaller than a tiger.


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