Cat - a nurse Liger
These photographs show a little liger, playing with his materyu- nursing home cat named Dark. Kiara- new hybrid produced from a cross between a male lion and a female liger (a cross between a tiger and a lion) - was born in a zoo in Novosibirsk. When the mother did not milk Kiara, zoo staff had to feed the baby from a bottle every three hours.
40-year-old employee of the zoo rose Sokolov decided to take Kiara home, where she immediately made friends with her cat Darko.
As soon as they met, Dark, which at that time had its own kitty, has assumed the role of mother, constantly licking Kiara, as though she, too, was her offspring.
These two little away from each other. But it soon began to show a little hybrid of the habits of the predator, and it became clear that the time has come to give it back to the zoo. Rose says, "Zita, a mother of Kiara was caring, but she had no milk. The relationship between the newborn and the mother is very strong, but in this case we had to resort to such emergency measures to save the life of Kiara.
With Darko they immediately became friends. In the Dark is very strongly expressed maternal instinct and she began to look after Kiara both his kitten. Of course, it was difficult to keep the little predator in the home, but it was very fun and cool, watching her.
A week later, we began to introduce the meat in the diet of Kiara and pet it began to turn into a predator, so it's time to bring her back to her mother. We are very worried about how it will perceive Zita after the separation, but everything went well. Of course, we miss Darko Chiari but much happier to see her next to her mother, where she should be. »
Translated specifically for fishki.net
Source: www.dailymail.co.uk
40-year-old employee of the zoo rose Sokolov decided to take Kiara home, where she immediately made friends with her cat Darko.

As soon as they met, Dark, which at that time had its own kitty, has assumed the role of mother, constantly licking Kiara, as though she, too, was her offspring.

These two little away from each other. But it soon began to show a little hybrid of the habits of the predator, and it became clear that the time has come to give it back to the zoo. Rose says, "Zita, a mother of Kiara was caring, but she had no milk. The relationship between the newborn and the mother is very strong, but in this case we had to resort to such emergency measures to save the life of Kiara.

With Darko they immediately became friends. In the Dark is very strongly expressed maternal instinct and she began to look after Kiara both his kitten. Of course, it was difficult to keep the little predator in the home, but it was very fun and cool, watching her.

A week later, we began to introduce the meat in the diet of Kiara and pet it began to turn into a predator, so it's time to bring her back to her mother. We are very worried about how it will perceive Zita after the separation, but everything went well. Of course, we miss Darko Chiari but much happier to see her next to her mother, where she should be. »

Translated specifically for fishki.net
Source: www.dailymail.co.uk