In Switzerland, there is a 0-star hotel

The world's first nulezvёzdochny (no star or zero-star) hotel, also known as the Null Stern Hotel, operates in the town of Sewell.
There are no private rooms, shared bathroom and turned for some reason in a fountain with swimming flowers in it. The interiors "decorate" hanging from the ceiling ducts and cables, all kinds of filters and fans. True, not a sham, among other things.

TV either, but there is one big screen, which displays a picture with the camera surveillance, "gazing" on the street. After all, the windows here again there.
It is not surprising when you consider that this hotel converted from an atomic bunker, lying a few meters under the ground.

Once it was carried out military exercises, and now need a bomb shelter (state-owned) like as not. Meanwhile, it must contain (by law), which places more on local budget burden. Because local artists - brothers Patrick and Frank Rikliny - commissioned by the municipal authorities carried out "operation" to turn the bunker into a hotel.

The owners fair warning - hot shower then be able to take only those who rose early, and the rest will have to be content with cold water. "Room Service" is not provided, although clean bedding issue.

Spartan conditions? On the other hand, and the price is low - just $ 9-13 per night. For Switzerland - is was a marvel. So that places are booked for months in advance. Null Stern Hotel is able to take 54 people at a time.

Source: www.membrana.ru
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