Carl Zeiss cinemizer plus - 3D is always with you!
If you decide to buy a Carl Zeiss cinemizer plus, it is now your favorite movies will be with you everywhere. Do you want to watch your favorite movie on the couch at home, or want to pass the time during long journeys? Cinemizer plus allow you to enjoy any blockbuster anywhere.
With these glasses, you get a visual impression of the 45-inch TV, which is located at a distance of 2 meters from you.
Carl Zeiss cinemizer plus optimized for the iPhone and iPod. Connect and intuitive. Apple users will appreciate the integration with their favorite devices. Connecting a DVD-player and other devices is possible using additional cables.
These 3D glasses are suitable even for people with impaired vision. Customizing for each eye between 3, 5 and 3, 5 diopters, allowing all to watch movies in perfect quality!
Video 3D stereo glasses support the 3D format in which the image horizontally compressed to 50% of the original size. This makes it possible to play 3D-video with a resolution of 640 × 480 pixels on the iPod, iPhone, Nokia Nseries phones, and so on. D.
How does the rendering in 3D glasses? The basic principle is that the synchronized (side-by-side) video is played on a device that is attached to the cinemizer. The left and right part of the image is separated, treated (interpolated) and shows the corresponding eye.
Learn more and you can make a purchase in the online store Computer Plaza.
via factroom.ru
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