Schizophasia - a violation of the structure of the speech in which the proposals are right, but do not make sense
If you ever met a crazy city, then surely you know this concept. As a rule, they say to themselves, or to passers-by loudly and clearly, but to understand what is at stake, human health is impossible. This is schizophasia - psychiatric symptom accompanying various mental diseases and disorders.
It is expressed in the fact that a person speaks well articulated phrases, which are not connected to each other in meaning. Suffering schizophasia able to link words into sentences and intone it is true, but how much would you not try to catch kakyu any logic in his speeches, you will not succeed. From the outside it looks pretty creepy.
Schizophasia often accompanies mental illness, but may also occur in a state of intoxication. However, in the latter case is more common verbal hash, when a person can not just two words.
This video - a textbook example of a case schizophasia from the application to the large medical encyclopedia in 1962.
via factroom.ru