The most dangerous trail in the world is in China

Would you dare to pass through the narrow wooden boards nailed to a cliff at a dizzy height? Without insurance, no fence, just holding on to a steel chain bolted to the rock directly at the chest? If so, you can take a chance and buy a ticket to China.

Mount Huashan (Huashan Mountain), which translated from Chinese means "Flower Mountain", lies 240 kilometers from Xian (Xi'an). This is one of the five sacred mountains of China, and here lies perhaps the most extreme tourist route in the world.

If you need the adrenaline, forget about rafting and daunhille - try yourself to climb to the Huashan. Climbing equipment is not required - only courage, because the path to the top ("Trail of Death") is a board nailed to a cliff hundreds of meters in height, but the chain, which can be grasped.

Source: www.metro-s.3dn.ru
via factroom.ru
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