10 interesting facts about Japan

1. is not necessary when a Japanese happily tell him «Hello, Kitty!», smiling and waving his hand. In Japan, everyone knows that Hello Kitty is originally from England.
2. Japan - the last country in the world to formally retain the title of the Empire. The Japanese imperial dynasty has never been interrupted. The reigning Emperor Akihito today, a direct descendant of the first emperor Jimmu, who founded Japan in 711 BC. This year, Japan was filled with 2671 year.
3. In all the northern cities of Japan, where snow falls in winter, heated sidewalks and streets. At the same time in Japan, there is no central heating. Each apartment warms as it may.
4. Japan - a small country, but there is much the largest. Here is the most expensive amusement park in the world of Disney Sea, and four of the 10 tallest roller coasters. In Tokyo, the most extensive subway system in the world and the largest mixed pedestrian crossroad.
5. In Japan there are metro cars for women only. They are attached in the morning to rush hour no one molested girls.
6. In Japan, one of the most liberal of tobacco laws. Smoking is allowed everywhere except in airports and railway platforms.
7. Most Japanese characters consist of 2-4 syllables, but there is a surprising exception. For example, the character 砉 («hanetokavatogahanareruoto") consists of thirteen syllables! He describes not a very pleasant sound coming from the separation of the flesh from the bone.
8. The Japanese language consists of several levels of politeness: Elementary, respectful, polite and very courteous. Women almost always say, using a respectful form, and men - spoken.
9. The Japanese eat dolphins. Of these, make soup, prepared kusiyaki (Japanese barbecue), and even eaten raw. At the dolphin meat is quite tasty, quite unlike the taste of fish.
10. Mount Fuji (Fuji) is privately owned. The Shinto shrine Hong Seng preserved deed of gift from 1609, which gave Shogun mountain possession of the temple. In 1974, he confirmed the authenticity of the donation Supreme Court of Japan, and then had no other choice but to transfer the ownership of the temple mount. Because the ownership of Japan firmly.
Source: www.radioc.ru
via factroom.ru
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