Silbo gomero - a language-whistle was used in the Canary Islands

In the Canary Islands you can still hear the language Silbo Gomero (silbo gomero) when people communicate using a whistle, not words. This is not only a unique way of communicating, but also surprisingly high-pitched, because the language of the whistle can communicate at extremely long distances up to three kilometers.
This avoids unnecessary walk around the island, just "vysvistev" familiar from the crowd. In ancient times, the shepherds talked through the cross island ravines and gorges.
For a person visiting this language sounds like birds singing.
To speak to one another whistle, you just need to stick your finger in your mouth and whistle, covering his mouth with his palm, directing the sound in the right direction. Use our "Silba" whistle a word of Spanish. With five "vowels" and four "consonants" can "articulate" more than 4,000 words. Unfortunately, the whistle is not always clear, so locals often have to be repeated and guess the words depending on the context.
Not much is known about the origins of language. It was invented by the indigenous inhabitants of the islands and adapted to the Spanish after the Spanish occupation of the island in the 16th omveke. Testimonies like whistling language have been found in Greece, Turkey, China and Mexico, although there is not a language of whistles used as prevalence as a language silbo gomero.
Unfortunately, in recent years, language silbo gomero out of use, chastichnoiz-zamobilnyh phones. Now it - national treasure Canar, whistling language is taught in the schools of the island.
Source: www.strannoe.info
via factroom.ru
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