Reborn - a fake baby

In a very ordinary family have a child. Excellent healthy boy, height - 59 cm, weight - 3, 5 kg. My mother worships him the soul, she dresses it in beautiful costumes, lulls, and ride in the stroller. Her son - a miracle, he does not cry, does not stain diapers, does not raise the parents at night, because it is - a doll. The most naturalistic of all possible - reborn doll.

From the living baby it features only a fixed glass eyes and the absence of breathing. Hair Reborn - thin mohair body vinyl, glass eyes.

Manufacturers of baby dolls talk about the favorable effects of their "wards" in the mental state of women. Taking arms tyazhelenkuyu and so similar to a live baby doll, a woman is experiencing the same feelings as in the form of the baby. Childless ladies realize their maternal instinct, the mother of adult children remember their youth. At the Moscow exhibition in October 2011 around the demonstration tent going girl-30. " Despite the fact that the cost of reborn dolls start at 20 thousand rubles, it was interested in a lot. One - to buy "little brother" to existing reborn, others opt for a "daughter».

Theories about the origin of dolls reborn a few. According to some sources, these -detki "began -rozhdatsya" in the US in the late 1980s. On the other it appears that reborning began to develop after the launch of the Spanish dolls Dolls by Berengeur. These -rebyatishki "positioned as a game doll, and then began to be used as mannequins to demonstrate the children's clothing. Now they - are looking for collectors. The most famous doll company Dolls by Berengeur - a doll-baby La Infanta Leonor, a replica of the daughter of Prince Felipe of Asturias and his wife Princess Letizia, this doll was a huge success and was sold instantly.

via factroom.ru