In terms of the evolution of the human sense of smell is useless and may eventually disappear
Back in school biology classes we introduce the concept of "rudiment". Rudiments - these are the parts of our body that were once necessary, but eventually lost their functionality. Examples usually given wisdom teeth, the coccyx and the projection in the inner part of the ear. Now the company can get to them, and the vomeronasal organ, is responsible for our ability to smell.
Most of the active neurons of the vomeronasal organ human no longer function, so we recognize smells much worse than other vertebrates. Some people VNO very weakly pronounced and at 8-19% does not have access to one side of the nasal cavity.
The original function of the olfactory system - to recognize the smell of food, to find the most high-calorie, necessary for survival, food. Also, the sense of smell is actively used when searching for a sexual partner. Scientists believe that the reason for the gradual withering away of the vomeronasal organ - this is our mind, has developed in the course of evolution. We no longer a need to "sniff out" food and becoming useless olfactory system sooner or later, will simply cease to work, becoming a vestigial organ.
via factroom.ru