10 facts about wolves

We offer you a selection of interesting facts about wolves.
1. In 2008, researchers at Stanford University have discovered that a mutation associated with the appearance of black fur, found only in dogs, so black wolves other than the descendants of the hybrids. Most of these wolves are found in North America.
< 2. In areas where wolves were subject to mass killings, they flourished coyotes. Recent studies have shown that 22% of all North American coyotes are descendants of wolves. Such animals are usually larger than normal coyotes but smaller than wolves, and are extremely cunning. They combine the lack of fear of man, pronounced wolf instincts and a high level of aggression.
3. Wolves never miss a chance to eat. Often, living in the most extreme corners of the planet, the wolves eat their wounded or sick relatives. In addition, the wolf landed in the trap, hunters should take as soon as possible, because it is very high risk that the other wolves will find it and eat.
4. Some wolves can reach a weight of 100 kg. Dimensions wolves grow exponentially with the degree of distance from the equator. Tropical wolves are often the same size as ordinary dogs, but wolves in the far north exceed the average weight of 60 kg.
5. Although wolves and are not the main carriers of rabies, they can easily catch it from raccoons and foxes. Unlike other animals, which during infection fall into lethargy and become disoriented, wolves instantly fly into a rage. Most cases of attacks on humans was provoked fury. A desire to wolf bite the neck or head often leads to the fact that the rabies virus gets into the human brain much earlier than would be given medical assistance.
6. Wolves America are less likely to attack humans than the rest of their brethren. Historical records show more than three thousand people killed by wolves in France in the period between 1580 and 1830. Not far behind them the wolves of India and Russia. In the US and Canada, on the other hand, there is an extremely small number of officially confirmed cases of wolf attacks.
7. Despite the close relationship, wolves perceive dogs mainly as prey. In Russia, one time stray dogs were a staple food for the wolves.
8. The plague that ravaged Europe in the Middle Ages, was the cause of strained relations people and wolves. In those days, much faster than the corpses were destroyed just wolves, but not fire or buried under the ground. Such methods of "dumping" instilled a taste for human blood generations of wolves. Perhaps it is from now on the wolves turned human flesh in his "menu».
9. smallpox, brought to America by European settlers, has had a disastrous impact on the local residents. Her victims were 80-90% of all people living on the continent. Feeling easy prey, wolves attacked Indian villages, devouring the body helpless patients.
10. As we said above, the wolves will eat almost everything. In contrast, bears or big cats, wolves no anatomical weapons capable of quickly killing the victim, so they absorb the production of live, lashing out and taking the whole bunch of pieces of flesh.
via factroom.ru