In fact, "snob" means "man of low origin"

Meaning of the word "snob" from time to time filled with different semantic meaning, it is perceived by people in different ways. Now many believe that to be a snob, rather well - in fact such a person, as a rule, distinguished by exquisite taste and a special finesse, distinguishing it from the general line.
To understand how this belief is true, you can refer to the original source. The word 'snob' comes from the Latin expression reduction «sine nobilitas», ie "without nobility." At the end of the XVIII century, the abbreviation «s. nob. »in the list of passengers of ships set against the names of people of humble origin, to know who is worthy of an invitation to dine with the captain and who is not.
So do the English aristocratic houses, making the guest list, so always knew the servant, whose appearance must disclose without a title. So in those days, the word "snob" bore clearly pejorative connotation. And here's what he wrote William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1864) in his "Book of Snobs, written by one of them": "None of us can be sure that we are not snobs. This is the arrogance gives confidence and be proud - it means to be a snob ».
Today the same theme raised another Englishman, a connoisseur of good manners, John Morgan, in his "New Guide etiquette": "Trying to pass for their among those in whose company they are seeking, snobbish necessarily make one of two fatal mistakes: they either obsequious or act too casually. And then, and more, without a doubt, gives a snob. " So how "honored" to be a snob, everyone decides for himself.
via factroom.ru
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