The King of Sweden an experiment on two twins to prove the harm of coffee

When the coffee was imported by Europe from America, it was of great interest. There are several conflicting opinions about whether this is useful drink is harmful or even deadly. In 1674, the year of coffee coffee consumption in Sweden was still prohibited, but still know to purchase and drink the beverage. King Gustav III was horrified by coffee and heavy fines for those who violate the ban coffee.

Gustav was convinced that coffee has a strong injury, and to prove it, I decided to conduct an experiment. At that time, two twin-criminals were sentenced to death and are awaiting execution in its prison. The king invited them to replace execution with life imprisonment, provided that one of the brothers will be daily drink three cups of tea, and the other - three cups of coffee. The aim of the experiment was to find out which of the twins used to be ill and die.
But Gustav was not to obtain evidence of "harm" coffee as both twins survived, and it and all its doctors. "Tea" twin died first, after living 83 years old, and "coffee" lived a few years longer (the exact date of death unknown). We can say that the experiment failed miserably King, but the ban on coffee remained in Sweden until 1794, the year.
via factroom.ru
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