Hydra does not grow old and die
In fact, the hydra - immortal beings: they always retain excellent "children's" ability to regenerate, they do not grow old, and only breed (budding). Note that this does not negate the hydraulic death from other causes - before the onset of winter in the waters they die huge masses. But the phenomenon of "non-aging" hydraulic proved with certainty.
What enables Hydra always remain young? Rather, the basis of this ability is precisely the method of reproduction: for budding body must have a sufficient number of stem cells ready for endless development and reproduction. A group of German researchers Thomas Bosch showed that the important role played in this longevity gene that in humans, on the contrary, is a key to the process of aging.
This is a gene FoxO: people they synthesized a protein involved in intracellular regulation by participating in the mechanisms of reproduction and apoptosis - controlled destruction - cells. The fact that our body loses with age catastrophic supply stem cells, and with it - and the ability to repair damaged tissue and old - is largely a result of the activity FoxO. With polyps everything was the opposite: the animals without a working gene FoxO retain significantly less stem cells. In fact, they grow old.
It remains to figure out how to use our common gene with hydro for the benefit of human longevity.
via factroom.ru
Horse teeth of the first president of the United States
In fact, ancient Greek philosopher Plato called Aristokl