5 important scientific facts about the benefits of nocturnal sleep

Sleep is essential for a normal healthy life - everyone knows that. You can eat very healthy food and get out of the gym, but if it is constantly not getting enough sleep - all efforts will go down the drain.
1. Our ancient ancestors withdrawn sleep longer because their circadian rhythm dependent on sunrise and sunset. Today, we have artificial light, which allows you to extend the period of waking and, therefore, reduce the time of sleep. Although the requirements of a dream for every individual organism, many experts insist that healthy sleep should last about nine hours a day. Recent studies have shown that most insomnia sufferers an hour before bedtime to do anything stimulating brain activity: 90% watch television, 33% work on a computer, and 43% - to do anything around the house.
2. Lack of sleep seriously affects the hormones that keep under control the metabolism, appetite, mood, ability to concentrate, and so on. d. Studies have shown - among those who slept less than six hours day, more than smoking, hard drinking, are not involved in sports and obese. Curiously, the same can be said about people who regularly sleep more than nine hours a day. Specialists from the Medical College, University of London found that lack of sleep and a surplus double the risk of death.
Scientists have long known about the link between lack of sleep and cardiovascular disease, but can not explain what is so bad a lot of sleep. While recent studies have revealed the dependence of excess sleep from depression and low socio-economic status, but this issue needs further study.
3. cryptochrome - ancient proteins that are found in all plants and animals on our planet. These substances, which are "live" mainly in the eyes and on the skin, sensitive to all shades of blue that naturally occur at dawn or at dusk, and therefore very important for our daily cycle. With these substances our bodies and eyes closed condition to detect sunlight.
Have you ever wondered how the blind know when - the day, and when - the night? Cryptochrome determined that sunlight has ceased to act and give the signal to convert the epiphysis serotonin, which throughout the day keeps you awake in melatonin, through which you will be able to have rest at night.
As soon as morning comes, the formation of serotonin rise, and melanin - will decrease, and you're ready for a new day. That is why doctors are so often prescribed as an antidepressant SSRI drugs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; approx. Mixstuff.ru). All that a person needs to overcome depression - a good night's sleep.
4. Active use of artificial light has disrupted the natural rhythm of serotonin, melatonin, which was formed thousands of years. Melatonin production is inhibited by light and resumed at nightfall, so the longer you stay too long in the evenings, the more negative is the effect on your physical and mental condition.
Studies have shown that premature aging is related to low levels of melatonin at bedtime. Melatonin is associated with our ability to learn and work memory. It may have a beneficial effect in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. It is a powerful antioxidant that can protect DNA from damage by free radicals and prevent the development of some forms of cancer.
Recent studies have demonstrated that workers, the daily cycle is constantly disrupted due to work night shifts, are at risk for cancer. So if you have to work at night, try to at least agree to night shifts every month replaced daytime.
And before you run to the pharmacy to buy containing melatonin preparations, please note that while these supplements may help for a while, in the long term, they lead to the fact that your body will gradually produce even less melatonin.
Nothing, absolutely nothing can replace a healthy sleep.
5. Studies have shown that hormonal abnormalities associated with the violation was a deep sleep phase. That is, in the final analysis, it is important not so much the amount of sleep as its quality.
Surface sleep increases levels of cortisol - a stress hormone. In moderation it is useful, but if the level is too high - it becomes dangerous.
High levels of cortisol lead to a decrease in testosterone levels, weakening the immune system, loss of muscle mass and an increase in blood pressure. In addition, an overabundance of cortisol contributes to weight gain, especially in the abdominal area, and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Cortisol reduces the formation of serotonin, a lack of serotonin can be increased if you take carbohydrates (sugars and starches). That's why so many people are drawn to sweet when they are experiencing stress or linger late into the night. Since seratonin calms, improves mood and eases depression, that in certain situations it may be dependent on the sweet.
In order to maintain a healthy weight, the body's energy and mood, try to keep your cortisol levels under control - get the best for themselves a way to deal with stress. This could be, for example, a morning walking tour to work or to school or listening to the news on the radio before going to bed.
Source: www.mixstuff.ru
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