In Saudi Arabia, February 14 can not wear anything red and sell
Every year on February 14 Saudi Arabia florists hide roses and other flowers, and sellers are cleaned away from the eyes of any goods red and / or in the form of hearts. Everyone, without exception, to this day, not allowed to wear any clothes red. Anything that even remotely hints at Valentine's Day, is unacceptable, and that vigilantly monitors the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.
As a punishment for disobedience Representatives Committee could close the shop offender and not to allow any person in a public place, be it an office, restaurant, cinema, and so on. N., If it is put anything ill color. The meaning of these rather ridiculous prohibitions is to prevent people from celebrating popular in Europe and the United States Valentine's Day, because, in the view of the authorities of Saudi Arabia, this holiday is associated with premarital sex and vice.
via factroom.ru