Civilization of Ancient Egypt lasted longer than the European still
By that time, the peoples of Western Europe only began to form stable state, Ancient Egypt has come to decline. Earth ancient Egypt located in the lower reaches of the Nile River, just where is modern Egypt. There was this country about 3150, the year BC. e. - When Upper and Lower Egypt were united under the authority of the first pharaoh.
The history of ancient Egypt consists of long periods of peaceful reign of the pharaohs, punctuated by brief periods of instability, called by historians as intermediaries. Egypt reached the greatest power in the period of the New Kingdom, after which this great civilization slowly began to fade.
After the death of Egypt's conqueror Alexander the Great, one of his generals, Ptolemy Soter, declared himself the new ruler of the Egyptian state. Ptolemaic Dynasty ruled Egypt until the 30th BC. e., is not Egypt fell to the Roman Empire and became a Roman province.
Ancient Egypt was a separate country with its own customs and culture about 3100 years - more than the Western European civilization managed to survive until now.
via factroom.ru
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