People with solid moral easier to do bad things

Solid moral principles and strict compliance with the rules of morality, it turns out, is not made from human angel - on the contrary, research has shown that such people simply fails to make bad things - or rather, a series of such acts.
Psychologists from the University Pompeu Fabra Spanish 84 students were asked what they would do in a hypothetical situation where the truck rushes to five people and is about to crush them. The only way to help - to send the trolley at one of these people.
Some decided to be guided by morals, justifying their choice by the fact that a greater importance here is the result - saving four people rather than action - killing one. Others refused to do anything, explaining that moral principles - premeditated murder can not be justified. Then, half the subjects were asked to remember times when they behave ethically, and the other half - when unethical, and then share the money with the partners. Those who decided to push the cart, tended to be generous in the event that recalled his unethical behavior. Those who did not push the cart, shared the money in the event that recalled his good deeds, and not divided, if we remembered the bad.
So, for those of alternating good and bad deeds, one bad action may cause further positive behavior in general. For those who adhere strictly to the rules of morality, one bad action may give rise to a number of those - they convince themselves that their action was not so much wrong and continue to behave the same way in the future.
via factroom.ru
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