Logical empiricism explains why the chain of comments invariably spills over into absolute nonsense
Finally, logic and common sense gained animal protector. Shedding light on the strange way of thinking, especially on random statements that people make online, helped crow.
Carl Gustav Hempel, one of the followers of the school of logical empiricism, formulated the so-called paradox of ravens to illustrate that inductive logic sometimes comes into conflict with intuition. The essence of the paradox is the following. Suppose that there is an assumption that all crows are black. It is logical to assume that all nechёrnye items - are not crows. The more we see of black crows, the stronger our theory is confirmed. If we see a lot of green cucumbers, then it will increase our confidence that all nechёrnye items are not crows, ravens and all - black.
However, this conclusion contradicts the intuitive perception of the situation, man. Seeing green cucumbers will increase confidence in the observer that all nechёrnye items are not crows, but it will not increase his confidence that all crows are black.
Some would say that logic does not apply in our lives. However, this paradox helps us to understand some aspects of the Internet culture. If someone responds to the forum post pictures otter hat, someone - a rambling, angry political tirade, and someone just points to what is written - outside the box and it is not clear, there is nothing to worry about. These people emphasize all about what you do not say to focus on what you want to say. And it makes no sense to argue with them or respond sarcastically.
via factroom.ru
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