The first ever photograph of the moon
First picture of the night light was made in 1840 by John William Draper (John W. Draper). For the record, the first strapped facsimile received only eighteen years earlier, in 1822, the year, but it has not survived, so the first photograph is considered a "View" Joseph Niepce.
John Draper - British scientist, author of "The History of the Conflict between Religion and Science" (1875-th year), who became a pioneer in many fields of knowledge.
Unfortunately, most of his shots have not survived, but to have survived the first in the history of astrophotography, made in 1840. The scientist used daguerreotypes, opens up new possibilities when shooting images of the visible spectrum. Draper managed to get a clear picture of a celestial object without precision instruments tracking celestial bodies that showed pictures prospects in science.
via factroom.ru
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