Most of all we love the music heard in childhood

And remember it all zhizn

No one can say for sure how many songs he had heard from birth, but psychologists from the University of California at Santa Cruz argue that the songs and tunes that people hear in childhood tend to remain in their imaginary "playlist" on the whole life, that is, sit tight in the memory and over the years no longer like.

The experiment, published in the journal «Association for Psychological Science», held as follows: volunteers have offered to listen to the songs from the charts c 1955 by the year 2009, compiled by the magazine «Billboard» - every year was represented by two songs. After the "music" of the volunteers were asked to describe their feelings and experiences from listening to a particular song.

It turned out that the musical works of recent years, causing a greater amount of emotion that is natural, because in the experiments involved people aged about 30 years, but unexpectedly strong impressions participants got from playing songs of the early 1980s - a time when they were very young.

Melodies and rhythms of youth, their parents, participants almost immediately recognized and received by listening sincere pleasure, sometimes even brighter pronounced than that of modern songs, so psychologists have suggested that music early childhood affects a person, no less than that heard in the teens or youth .

Do not be ashamed of their musical preferences, even if they are not very modern or refined enough - it is possible that you have heard these songs in the womb and loved them for a lifetime.



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